Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!


New Member
I remember being a newb on this site and asking questions with not much avail so i decided to start this thread for newbs asking questions. It is hard to help the newbs because no one really cares and their posts get lost easily but i like to help when i can so if you post your questions I will get back to you as soon as i can.

Just so you know this is a question thread for only newbs and newb questions. I am only a well-read newb myself so dont ask me about hydro or aero because I only grow in soil, indoor and out, newb at the indoor scene, 2 harvests, 3 grows... first one i used a incandecasnt light bulb,, and then i decided to read awhen it died after 5 days. So maybe i can help you to avoid that first trainwreck where you think you can do it without knowing anything... afterall, they do grow outdoors on their own just fine right? lol

I have ran into about every problem associated with growing indoors and can offer advice, facts, or links to material that i think you should read.

I will try to bump this thread when I get a chance as I know newbs dont know how to use this site and a lot of posts get "lost" in the forums.

My specialty is hash and hash making (most types, although I will always have my reccomendations according to quantity, quality, type, accessablility and so on..).

Also, if its a question about something other than growing marijuana like smoking marijuana and everything related, or if you have any questions about other drugs i can give some good words normally,, i have been around the block a few times,... a few different blocks actually:o,,,

anyway, post your newb questions and i will help as i can



Well-Known Member
Hey there Chuck,

Good to know that your startin a new thread.... if I encounter anymore problems *crosses fingers* I'll shoot you a post.


New Member
Hey there Chuck,

Good to know that your startin a new thread.... if I encounter anymore problems *crosses fingers* I'll shoot you a post.
In the first picture the plant on the left is looking good and healthy there is just not a lot of branching. Is it a sativa dominant? what lighting are you using? it looks like an HPS by the orangeness of the refelected light but how many watts?

Im not sure what is going on with the second plant to the right however.
Trimming leaves is okay, but it seems you have trimmed all fan leaves. these fan leaves provide vital sugars to the flowers for proper growth and cutting many leaves like that will cause a lot of stress and stunt the growth causing an extended flowering period.
I also tend to tell people to do as much trimming and training as possible and as needed during the veg cycle. during this cycle the plant can handle stress better and you do not have to worry about over-stressing causing hermaphroditism.

Trimming and training CAN be done during flowering but should be kept to a minimal for maximum efficiency and yield.

i need some more information to give you more help.


how long in veg?
how long so far in flowering?
type and wattage of light
what you are feeding with


do you have any other source of ventilation or air movement other than that small desk fan?


New Member
How can you use a male to make hash?
exact same way you would with a female. Or any marijuana foliage for that matter.

pretty much all parts of any marijuana part (male, female, hermie) can be used to make hash because they contain cannabinoids. The reason why we smoke buds instead of leaves and stems is because the plant grows more trichromes (what gets you high) per area of foliage on the female reproductive organs (pistils) to protect the plants way of continuing its life cycle.

The only two parts of a plant that are useless in hash making is seeds and stems over 1/16 of an inch thick. These parts have very negligibly amount of thc and are useless.

hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
one on the left is Purple Kush, the one on the right had some problems it's from an earlier grow.. just finishing it off.... it had some issues with aphids and I had to cut a bunch of leaves off due to sooty mold... but it's doing alright now...

as to lighting, I've got a 100watt HPS in there right now... but I'm upgrading to this 400 watt HPS will have that installed next weekend, should make a huge difference ;)

OH YEAH! As to what I'm feeding it, I've got a worm casting brew that I make ;) I have a friend that is a Master Gardener....

This stuff is suposed to help against bugs, mold and is suposed to be one of the best ferts to use.... it's all I've been using.

I have two of those small desk fans and also have a bathroom fan that gets the air rollin pretty good when the door is closed... I'm not concerned with anything at the moment... other then getting my new lights in there... 400 watt light, ballast and the Mongel fixture all for under $80 bran new.... OOOOOWWWWW AAAAAHHHHH that feels good ;)

and the Purple Kush has been flowering for 2 weeks... the other... lol I don't even know.. after the purple kush came up all nice and purdy I decided to not really look at that other plant... I'm leaving it for one more week then cutting it down....

I've just put in a clone room and I have two other plants that I started outside... I'll be putting them in with my clones and working them back up to 18/6 for a few weeks.


New Member
one on the left is Purple Kush, the one on the right had some problems it's from an earlier grow.. just finishing it off.... it had some issues with aphids and I had to cut a bunch of leaves off due to sooty mold... but it's doing alright now...

as to lighting, I've got a 100watt HPS in there right now... but I'm upgrading to this 400 watt HPS will have that installed next weekend, should make a huge difference ;)

OH YEAH! As to what I'm feeding it, I've got a worm casting brew that I make ;) I have a friend that is a Master Gardener....

This stuff is suposed to help against bugs, mold and is suposed to be one of the best ferts to use.... it's all I've been using.
that will make a big difference, 400watts is a good number for 2-3 plants with a decent yield.

I see from your last picture you have ladybugs,, thats good, they eat aphids.


New Member
p.s. you might want something more for ferts come later in flowering. aim for something with a high P and K and macro and micronutirents,,, you dont want the poor darlin to starve!

good work! keep on growing!


Well-Known Member
;) I'm actually growing sorta as a science project to get this tea on the market for my friend ;). it's got a few more things in it other then just worm castings molasses and glacier dust and a few other "things" ;);) I can notice the difference in my plants after about 45 min of application with spraying leaves and watering.


New Member
thats good, you will notice the biggest difference with the added light. 100 watts just aint enough for 2 plants, and thats why the nugs are so small. The kush should turn out better if you keep the mould and the aphids away though.

get that 400 watt dirty cocksucker in there asap! lol


Well-Known Member
I'm waiting on the ballast!!! I get it on monday but I want to be around atleast the full day for the first run, I've got all the fixtures installed and the wires all run.... I even have my mounting plate ready...... I SOOOOO WANT TO GET THIS NOW!!! unfortunately if I were to go buy the ballast from somewhere else I'd be looking at probably $100 alone... I'd rather pay my $60 ;)


New Member
another one of my specialties is ops. from how to make a cheap op to how you should improve your op. send me pics, give me some descriptions and I will give you some helpful suggestions and if you want a DIY method for a cost effective OP just ask



Active Member
is foxfarm good soil to use for indoor? if i cant find that kind then what else should i look for, like from walmart home depot or w.e .... and i have nutes that are 15-30-15 for flowering process and 10-15-10 for before flowering...are these good?


New Member
the things you want to look for in soil is compost, pearlite, peat moss and humus. any soil containing these four things is good for growing. compost and peat for nutrients, humus for absorption and pearlite for drainage.

fox farm is definately a good choice though,, if you can find it


New Member

for veg you need more N, the first number in the sequence, and for flowering you need more P and K, the second and third number in the sequence respectively.


Well-Known Member
killer chuck - thanks for lookin in on us noobs - mind takin a look at the miracle grow thread? Also - my seedlings have been up from the soil now for about 10 days under 24 hour light. From the latest I've read it seems like 18-6 might be better. Is it safe to switch the cycle at this point? Is it worth chancing?


New Member
killer chuck - thanks for lookin in on us noobs - mind takin a look at the miracle grow thread? Also - my seedlings have been up from the soil now for about 10 days under 24 hour light. From the latest I've read it seems like 18-6 might be better. Is it safe to switch the cycle at this point? Is it worth chancing?
the light cycle for a plant is arguable. humans have only been growing pot indoors for the past 30 years or so, so not everything is known about the proper light cycle for vegging.
Some will claim (with no facts to back the claim up) that a plant need to "rest" and therefore needs a dark cycle for vegging. Others say that 24 hour will give more time for the plant to photosynthesize thus giving a larger plant in a shorter time. they also claim that a plant needs no night cycle in veg and that the night cycle is only to make the plant feel like the end of their life is coming so they choose sex in order to reproduce.

With all the shit i have read on the topic of 24 and 18/6 I personally have come to believe 24 hour to be better.
there is a much better argument presented for the side of 24 hour and thus i have chosen it.
I have also had very good success with 24 hour but if you are worried about a massive jack in your electric bill than go with the 18/6. It may take a little longer to get the results you want, but the monthly bills will be a little less.

as for changing the cycle from 24 to 18... since you are only 10 days in i would not worry about it. however if you were much further into the plants veg cycle i would not recommend it as it could possible cause your plant to choose sex due to the shock of losing light.


Well-Known Member
I have a plant to show. Dont laugh! This is my first grow. Pics suck i working on that! I beat this plant basically into being then for more fun i pollinated her with the other plant i had growing. She has been pampered for over a month now. 400 watt hps 4x4x6.5 tent temps in mid 80s occasionally climbing higher. Mostly ro water. Stealth hydro bloom nutes and superthrive. Trying to cool it down. She has seeds showing, and a few red hairs. This prob the 6 week of 12 and 12. The buds are pathetic and barely a inch big cola. Big seeds at every bud sight. The clones are doing well. ZRooted them in dwc cloner. I put 2 in veg, and the other 2 straight into 12 and 12. As of today all clones doing well. How much longer till the plant is harvest ready u think? I know it a comp question but i wondering when red hairs show is theri a time to that. The buds look like the 2nd posts but i am in week 6 or 7. It was badly abused for a while then i get equip and no how. ALso i just lost my weed in my apt. A couple af good grams so i little :spew:Pic shud be here

