Cinderella 99 CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Well, going to chop her down early tomorrow morning around 5AM before the sun comes up. She survived the harsh winds and Tstorms, I kinda want to let her go a bit more now since its spose to be some nice sunny weather the next 5 or so days. Today she will dry out in the sun atleast.
Will be about 5 months vegged and 65 days of flower.


Well-Known Member
Looks tasty! How much longer you leaving the other half for? That looks like a nice yield, man!


Well-Known Member
WOAH, I wish I had that much bud hanging in my home! haha xD Must be an awesome feeling. Keep up the good work =)


Well-Known Member
Ya, I'm SO DONE with trimming. I'll be looking into some electric or crank bud trimmers for next year. Was 2 of us for the majority of the time, and up to 5 people for a few hours. Took about 2 days, we took alot of breaks n shit, overall im happy with the bud we pulled from her. The odor was very low. The other side of the plant is still getting sun for the next couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
Nice job! What kind of odor is the bud producing? Some Mosca 99 I grew smelled like lemon cleaner (Mr Clean) about 4 days after harvest. It all fit it a large tuppaware container so every time I burped it for about a week it smelled like Mr. Clean. Damned mold set in on about the 10th day but that was when it was above 90F out. You said that the outdoor plant hermed on you?...I thought for years that was a death sentence but turns out that certain strains will putt off male flowers that are infertile.


Well-Known Member
Any seeds on the outdoor plant?
Yes, I've found 4 seeds so far, I'm wondering if it is possible them are the same seeds as when I planted her out there or if they are new ones..
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The smell is like not even there most of the time. I promise you could sit on a couple pounds of this and not even notice. Touching and breaking up a bud brings out a sweet ripened fruit smell. Until about a month ago, I've been expecting a pineapple smell but not really smelling it, then I was showing someone the strain crosses and it hit me, grapefruit, thats a pretty close smell to what she lets off.

I've smoked a bud out of the bong with ice its still greeny tasting and a bit harsh on the lungs, but the fruity smell pulls through leaving a decent taste in your mouth.
I'm going to try not touching them for around a month, until then they will stay in their jars with some Boveda 62% packs, hoping to really bring out the taste.

I ended up with 273.5g ~ 9.76 ounce
I have 2 ppl to give some bud out to, my bro, the one who decided to not kill her back then, received something like 110g ~ about 4 ounce. and my other buddy who helped harvest, an ounce maybe 2.

I'm left with 6 ounces.
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Still have the other half of the plant to harvest, the smaller buds, hoping I can make the most out of her before final harvest. She will go until next Sunday, and we are due for frost the night before, Saturday. She may have to endure a night or two of freezing temps before I can get back out there.

I actually went and checked it yesterday to see if she died from shock or something from cutting all her arms off, but she looks well, also noticed the very top 4 calyxes on the buds have turned dark purple.
Sry, these pics are not that great, used the cell.
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and thats about it for her, hopefully next year I can do some more outdoors..:lol:

(lol tried to add some pics and rollitup needs atleast 10 charcaters to edit, not including pics so here is 10+ characters for you RIU!)
Wow still didnt work.. something is not right.​


Well-Known Member
Awesome stuff man! Now I want to leave a plant in the wild to get that much surprise bud! hahaha
Good Stuff! +rep


Well-Known Member
Harvested the other half a few days ago. I'de say another few ounces. Alot will be going to hash making, made a couple dishes yesterday. Noticed ol' Cindy turned purple out there aswell. Pics in the next day or so.


Well-Known Member
Great grow man. Been debating if I should grow c99, critical kush or northern light blue. I think you may have sold me on c99.