toad stool said...why did you make this thread if you werent trying to show something? questions my right to make a thread if I'm not satisfying the troll. The troll thinks I need to answer to it? That makes it the joke.
you feel your rights are that insecure that me offering my right of asking a question is enough for you to cry persecution?I see. No Constitutional rights is the hand me down, swill from Monarchy. How can someone understand? They don't know what Rights are. Don't have a clear concept of self rule. So, easy to line up and not think.
We see Rhetorical Hiding as stupid and dis-honest. We see it in our politics these days and it's gonna run Barry right out....terror, terrorist, troll, droll.
Why do people insist on Rhetorical Hiding? Just saying 1st world problem is envy.
the cartoon graphs?You questioned and got my reply and now you seem so boring.