clone question


Active Member
Well it warmed up in my hood, and the past few days my space has been very damp. So damp it developed mold on the base board but not on my women from what i can tell. Is this a problem a little clorox can't solve?

My second question may sound dumb but i have about 12 clones in plastic shot glasses under solo cups so each clone has a dome of its own. They went from gel to fax farm potting soil. Sounds good on paper and logical but its a fuckin mess. This is a systems a close friend of mine uses but im going out getting a dome and some organic starter plugs its been almost 2 weeks and not a root to be seen. Well here is my question, i have been 12/12 for 3 weeks to the day can i still take clippings to root or is it too late?


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello Sith

Yes, you can take clippings.. you need to get rockwool cubes, cloning gel/powder and wilt spray... for easy cloning

yes a diluted clorox solution should work...
