Clones Clones Clones


i made my own cloning machine out of a cooler and it soaks the tree bark medium for 2 hrs every 12 hrs i take 2-3 inch clippings and insert in medium(for the most part i dont have the stems sticking out of the bottom exposed)i have a 90% survival rate. and see roots protruding from the medium in 6-14 days.


Well-Known Member
that sounds cool bertz can you get any pics? Im sure we would all love to see them.

Cheers kwaka


Well-Known Member
I like to use a heat mat under the tray and in the tray, I lay a layer of vermiculite to hold the moisture. I mist them with plain water for the first 4 or 5 days and then that's it. I find the roots will reach for the mosture in the vermiculite and heat from the bottom. I just add some water to the vermiculite a few times during the process. The dome comes off after about 7 days and all the holes are opened up after 5. In about 14-16 days, i get good roots and the cubes can look like rasta dreadlocks.