Club 600


Well-Known Member
On a totally unrelated note:

*the article:Undeterred by 'Salem Police' sign, woman lured by prostitution sting straight to detectives

SALEM, Ore. - Authorities say a 20-year-old Portland woman drove 50 miles to reach the man she thought was her client after being solicited for prostitution through phone and text messages.
But there was something unusual about the destination: It was the Salem Police Department.
Stranger still, police say the woman walked past several uniformed officers and clearly marked signs reading "Salem Police Department" before arriving at an unmarked door, where they say she attempted to contact the man she thought was her client.
Instead, she was arrested. The phone and text messages were part of a sting operation by Salem police detectives, who first identified the woman through a website.
The Jan. 11 arrest led to charges of prostitution and promoting prostitution for Christal D. Smith of Portland.
An attorney for Smith couldn't be found Thursday afternoon.
Damn it they busted one of my girls! Ah well gotta keep my pimp hand strong.


Well-Known Member
Well at least they are getting the dumb prossies off the streets. Leaving behind a group with a far superior level of intelligence than previously...the Super Pros!


Well-Known Member
I am not often up to see my veg tent lights coming on. How exciting.

Oh fucking bore off you cock!

I did the same thing this morning :-) sat there for over an hour listening to music,toking, tea, closely observing and adjusting every plant... what a joy.
Here's a cool one:


I was gonna post that yesterday! saw it on yahoo.

Hello peeps. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
On a totally unrelated note:

*the article:

Undeterred by 'Salem Police' sign, woman lured by prostitution sting straight to detectives

SALEM, Ore. - Authorities say a 20-year-old Portland woman drove 50 miles to reach the man she thought was her client after being solicited for prostitution through phone and text messages.
But there was something unusual about the destination: It was the Salem Police Department.
Stranger still, police say the woman walked past several uniformed officers and clearly marked signs reading "Salem Police Department" before arriving at an unmarked door, where they say she attempted to contact the man she thought was her client.
Instead, she was arrested. The phone and text messages were part of a sting operation by Salem police detectives, who first identified the woman through a website.
The Jan. 11 arrest led to charges of prostitution and promoting prostitution for Christal D. Smith of Portland.
An attorney for Smith couldn't be found Thursday afternoon.
Missed this page.
That is funny, but also a waste of time... The untapped multi billion dollar hoe business bongsmilie
I remember when his shoes was your av :-) He is so funny in that movie.
Does 600w of CFL make me eligible to join this!

Or am I a shame to the growers world?

Hell yeah it counts! :-)

It's good enough for me.

Happy weekend peeps.
Howdy jig... I woke up trying to figure out what day it was.... where were you? lol


Well-Known Member
It's all about growing nice weed in the 6 (and a few other topics from time to time are also discussed, lol). So welcome calicatt99.


Well-Known Member
Woke up with this song in my head. Mornin' Sixer's.



Well-Known Member
Yo giggle sorry mate i cant put the name of my shop out there because im known synonymously with it so it would be the same as posting my name. it is a great job though i love it more than anything ive ever done before (skatepark construction, tour catering) having your entire life revolve around cannabis is a dream come true.


Well-Known Member
Yo giggle sorry mate i cant put the name of my shop out there because im known synonymously with it so it would be the same as posting my name. it is a great job though i love it more than anything ive ever done before (skatepark construction, tour catering) having your entire life revolve around cannabis is a dream come true.
That's cool bro, no worries. Your job just sounded fun. My life and job revolves around cannabis but I just wish I could make some money doing it. I'm disabled due to an accident a few years ago and I'm only able to work part time due to that and a few other medical coniditons.

I really fucked my body up bad when I was young, OD 3 times on meth, put myself in the hospital multiple times and OD on pills, been in and out of rehab, so now I'm paying for everything I've done. With out cannabis I would not be able to do anything that I do through out the day.


Well-Known Member
Yo giggle sorry mate i cant put the name of my shop out there because im known synonymously with it so it would be the same as posting my name. it is a great job though i love it more than anything ive ever done before (skatepark construction, tour catering) having your entire life revolve around cannabis is a dream come true.
A dream come true :-)

the 600
