Club 600


Well-Known Member
Well been set the 8 way up forgot camera tho so pics to come tomoz might put sum my soil on later if a can be arsed when light goes on, choking for a hit been smoking shite out me scraps jar with crystal on to take the edge off things just waiting half 5 for a 20 do I can come home and be happy


Well-Known Member
5 more hours until I meet with our real estate agent and the Home Inspector that I hired to check out the house we're buying.
If there are no problems to be addressed with the house before we buy it, then we will close escrow on May 17th, and will start moving in on May 22nd.
Got our interest rate locked in at 3.625%, which means our mortgage payment will be $16 a month more than our current rent is.
I only left the industry 2-3 years ago, and we were making a shit ton on refinances because rates had dropped to 5.5%. At 3.5 I would be fucking raking in the money now! I could refinance ALL of my previous clients and save them money while making a boat load! Almost makes me wish I would have stayed... Almost! Humans aren't meant to work in offices and kiss realtor's ass' to make money. Not this one anyway!


Well-Known Member
I judge each person as a single entity and not as a national representative.
Ther are sooo many great ppl out there over the whole world, but its our Govt's job to keep us scared of them all.
I sure didnt have any slaves and hate those who did, yet I am (white)(whatever that means?)
Can you guess my ancestry based on white, as if that doesnt matter?
I think the term white is derogatory and takes away my individuality, but that is a different rant.

I'm just not as politically correct as some would like for me to be.
Well, I really don't give a rat's ass about the french one way or the other.
In fact, if they hadn't have kicked out the Acadians from france, my dad's ancestor would have went back to france and never settled in Louisiana, and I would not have been adopted by him or my mom, because she wouldn't have married the man that is my dad.

I've done enough actual travelling to have met people from all over, in their countries, and know that people are people.
I have a B.A. in Cultural Anthropology, and studied all hominids, and all flavors of humans from the beginnings of recorded history and earlier (My thesis was "The Effects of Myths, Legends and Folklore On The Development of Man Throughout History and Prehistory").

And I guess I should have used the term "caucasoid"?
Calling someone "white" is not a judgement, other than for the basic tonal qualities of their skin. I used the term "white" to very specifically refer to the family who adopted me, and not to you, or anyone else.
It's my family, and I'll refer to them any way I feel like. They even refer to themselves as "white", so....
They have skin that most of the world refers to as "white".
I could have omitted that fact but, well, they were a "white" lower-middle class family.
I'm a pale-skinned half-T'lingit, and most think I'm "white" (I'm more pale than most until you put me in the sunlight for a while, then I darken out like fine dark brown leather).

No one mentioned slaves.
But truth be told, my tribe were notorious slave owners before the civil war. Not of Africans, but of their own people and other clans & tribes.
I like to think I would have had nothing to do with that had I been alive 150 years ago, but that had been their culture for thousands of years, so who knows?
I personally find it reprehensible.

I have a strong feeling I could guess part of your ancestry if I saw you in person from all angles.
The only thing about a person's genetic heritage that "matters" to me is with my fascination with all the twists & turns it took for people who's ancestors came from half way around the world from each other, and just happened to meet and start families.
That's one of the reasons I studied Anthropology.
My own genes started only 100 miles apart in eastern Europe and Central Asia. One set of genes went East to America some 17,000 years ago, and the others went West in the mid 20th century to come together to form the idiot typing this out for you to read.
As for stripping away individuality, yes: "white" is a blanket term for "caucasians". It is a colloquialism.

Sorry you were offended, but I won't be changing my vocabulary any time soon.


Well-Known Member
I'm just not as politically correct as some would like for me to be.
Well, I really don't give a rat's ass about the french one way or the other.
In fact, if they hadn't have kicked out the Acadians from france, my dad's ancestor would have went back to france and never settled in Louisiana, and I would not have been adopted by him or my mom, because she wouldn't have married the man that is my dad.

I've done enough actual travelling to have met people from all over, in their countries, and know that people are people.
I have a B.A. in Cultural Anthropology, and studied all hominids, and all flavors of humans from the beginnings of recorded history and earlier (My thesis was "The Effects of Myths, Legends and Folklore On The Development of Man Throughout History and Prehistory.".

And I guess I should have used the term "caucasoid"?
Calling someone "white" is not a judgement, other than for the basic tonal qualities of their skin. I used the term "white" to very specifically refer to the family who adopted me, and not to you, or anyone else.
It's my family, and I'll refer to them any way I feel like. They even refer to themselves as "white", so....
They have skin that most of the world refers to as "white".
I could have omitted that fact but, well, they were a "white" lower-middle class family.
I'm a pale-skinned half-T'lingit, and most think I'm "white" (I'm more pale than most until you put me in the sunlight for a while, then I darken out like fine dark brown leather).

No one mentioned slaves.
But truth be told, my tribe were notorious slave owners before the civil war. Not of Africans, but of their own people and other clans & tribes.
I like to think I would have had nothing to do with that had I been alive 150 years ago, but that had been their culture for thousands of years, so who knows?
I personally find it reprehensible.

I have a strong feeling I could guess part of your ancestry if I saw you in person from all angles.
The only thing about a person's genetic heritage that "matters" to me is with my fascination with all the twists & turns it took for people who's ancestors came from half way around the world from each other, and just happened to meet and start families.
That's one of the reasons I studied Anthropology.
My own genes started only 100 miles apart in eastern Europe and Central Asia. One set of genes went East to America some 17,000 years ago, and the others went West in the mid 20th century to come together to form the idiot typing this out for you to read.
As for stripping away individuality, yes: "white" is a blanket term for "caucasians". It is a colloquialism.

Sorry you were offended, but I won't be changing my vocabulary any time soon.
I know you of all ppl arent a racist of any kink, and hope I didnt imply that with my reply.
Sometimes my words come out differently than they start in my head.

I just hate to fill out an application or other form, and have the races choices.
I think asking that in the 1st place is wrong, but then they dont care what race I really am anyway.
They narrow the categories down well for other nationalities well though.
I always out other just so they can see me purposefully giving an ambiguous reply to a vague question.
I mean really, how many nationalities have white skin??


Well-Known Member
No thanks. My helper bailed on me and I have to cut it all myself. At least I get to keep all the scissor hash! Just finished no.7 of 12. I would wait, but I need to get at the media (hydroton and grow rocks, mixed), deroot and rinse it and put it right back into use. I refuse to buy any more. I have been using the same medium non-stop for at least 3 years, no problem. Plus I turned the lights off and drained the reservoirs last friday. I've just been hosing the trays once a day to keep the roots moist. They've continued to ripen in the dark.

Oh, and as far as Lemon Skunk goes, Greenhouse's version sucks compared to DNA genetics (only in terms of yield, they are both rocket fuel, although DNA's is 'lemonier'). 2 out of 5 seeds yielded nice phenos, the rest could have been random skunks for all the resemblance they had with one another. I have one more batch coming along, and then I'll be done with that for now. I need to grow some shorter plants for a while. I'm popping Exo Cheese and BB Sour Cherry in week or so, when I get everything cleaned up.

Hello 6! Hope everyone is well.

Harvest day tomorrow :D Took a sample bud off another girl who has about 12 days left and I must say damn I'm impressed hehehe.

The fun times are almost getting ready to start on giggles farm. Trimmers anyone? :D


Well-Known Member
No thanks. My helper bailed on me and I have to cut it all myself. At least I get to keep all the scissor hash! Just finished no.7 of 12. I would wait, but I need to get at the media (hydroton and grow rocks, mixed), deroot and rinse it and put it right back into use. I refuse to buy any more. I have been using the same medium non-stop for at least 3 years, no problem. Plus I turned the lights off and drained the reservoirs last friday. I've just been hosing the trays once a day to keep the roots moist. They've continued to ripen in the dark.

Oh, and as far as Lemon Skunk goes, Greenhouse's version sucks compared to DNA genetics (only in terms of yield, they are both rocket fuel, although DNA's is 'lemonier'). 2 out of 5 seeds yielded nice phenos, the rest could have been random skunks for all the resemblance they had with one another. I have one more batch coming along, and then I'll be done with that for now. I need to grow some shorter plants for a while. I'm popping Exo Cheese and BB Sour Cherry in week or so, when I get everything cleaned up.
Ill be trimming by myself as well


Well-Known Member
Doobiebrothereaux thats silly!



Frere Doobie!
Frere Doobie!
Fumez Vous?
Fumez Vous?
Les Sirenes Retentissent!
Les Sirenes Retentissent!
Fuir immediatement!
Fuir immediatement!



P.S. Had to Babel the last bits....hope it works.


Well-Known Member
So should I think about refinancing? I bought in 2007.
Absolutely. If you're refinancing a 30 year, you want to save at least 1% on interest for it to be worthwhile. From 2007 I think you should be able to save 3 or more which in the end will probably save you 50-100k. I would look at the option of keeping your payments the same and shortening the term. You may be able to switch from a 30 year (25 left) to a 20 and still lower your payments. The shorter the term, the better the rate with most banks.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
So should I think about refinancing? I bought in 2007.
Example: $125,000 at 6% for 30 years the interest is over $130,000.
$125,000 at 3% for 15 years and the interest is around $25,000
or approximately $105,000 saved....and the payments were just slightly higher, less than $100.
it's been awhile since I had calculated this and the numbers are approximate, but the savings are real.



Well-Known Member
Just thought about it. There is an instance where lower term doesn't help your rate. I think when you go below 10 years it climbs back up and usually 25 years is higher than 30... Not sure why.


Well-Known Member
Just thought about it. There is an instance where lower term doesn't help your rate. I think when you go below 10 years it climbs back up and usually 25 years is higher than 30... Not sure why.
They make more profit on longer terms, so dont want you to get away with savings lol


Well-Known Member
shits getting ridiculous.. these dogs are so smart yet they wont listen. yea fenceing in the ground seems like it would suck but what elese can I do.. they've been stuck in a room for a couple weeks or something other than walks.. as soon as the fence got fixed she dug under it within 10 minutes.. shes never done that idk how she figured it out.. so much can happen when they're out. I think we are going to have to get one of those electric fences.. made for dogs