Club 600


Well-Known Member

milk dose a body good.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Well, i got my 600w hooked up and its seems to be working properly. VERY BRIGHT! and its dimmed at 50%. My question is how long should i keep it at 300w then bump to 450 then 600. They're used to 150w HPS and a few cfls. Appreciate any help. (will also do some forum searching for answers)
I would increase the watts when my plants got taller/wider.

Like 12 inch to 18 - 300w - 2x2

18 to 30 inches - 450w - 3x3

3 ft and Beyond- 600w - 4x4


Well-Known Member
My Rascal OG sample bud was actually pretty good for not being mature yet or cure.
\Not to mention I speed dried it in the microwave

I can tell the difference with it being flushed though

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
there's no point in running a 600 on less that 100%. as it has been mentioned, just keep them far enough away to pervent them from burning.



Well-Known Member
bout' a month in.....

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Blue Pit
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Blue Pit
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I hear it's cold in the East,
here in so. cal.
T-shirt skiing, couldn't escape the sun.:cool:

smoked a bowl on the way up..
smiled all the way down........[video=youtube;SiLM5L8nY6M][/video]

enjoy your day all........:bigjoint:
You had the sun following you down the hill, how freakin cool!!!!

I posted this story when it happened, hopefully she wins the lawsuit... Yet again the tax payers are footing the bill for misconduct by their own employees, any other job id imagine they'd be "terminated".

According to a new federal lawsuit filed on behalf of a 54-year old woman identified in the complaint only as “Jane Doe,” the U.S. Border Patrol subjected the woman to 6 hours of humiliating cavity searches looking for drugs that were never there.
Jane was crossing a bridge on her way to El Paso from Mexico when she was stopped by Border Patrol agents. She was selected for more screening by the agents, which involved a probing of the crevice of her butt. Next a dog “alerted” on Jane while she was standing in a line with others. This led to a strip search, vaginal and anal search by flashlight, a trip to the hospital for x-rays, forced laxative, a gynecological exam and a CT scan. When nothing was found, Jane was told to either sign a form consenting to all that was done to her or she would be billed for all the procedures forced upon her.
Jane refused to sign anything and later received a bill for some $5,000. Readers may remember a similar case involving a New Mexico man last month.
Disgraceful!!!!!! It's not nice having your bottom messed around with!!! I'll vouch for that:)

S'morgens 6ers.



Well-Known Member
Just goes to show:

You can pick your guitar, you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your friend's nose.
Have to be a pretty fucking good friend for ME to go digging for gold in his old, abandoned Hairy Rhino Mine.
Thx for the advice every1. Lovin the 600 club; you guys are actually/really helpful. Must be the lovely dank and high yields keeping every1 ina good mood. Those cfl threads often get some angry ppl lol


Well-Known Member
Well can't wait for.dam now seeing gum that dog haha week on Friday al go print my map.out today, still can't get my pics on so.gona try with the camera again and just have to get yous an few of how.they are today


Well-Known Member
well few pics the long way round, fuck knows why no computer is reading my memory card in the phone!!!!

but anyway
1st 2 pics dog no1
2nd 2 pics dog no2
3rd 4 pics dog no3
4th 3 pics giga bud
last 3 pics them together and the temps.......

will be flipping this weekend to get them down in march then i will be running my first in the 8x4 with 2 600s for a big summer harvest haha i hope


Well-Known Member
there's no point in running a 600 on less that 100%. as it has been mentioned, just keep them far enough away to pervent them from burning.

I agree with this statement completely. There is now way you are going to get the full effect of the 600 watt color spectrum if you don't run it at full strength. If you only give the bulb 1/2 of the energy it's designed for there is no way you are getting the results this bulb was designed for. I have 2 types of dim. ballast and have played with this to know 1/2 power slows the veg cycle down.IMO


Well-Known Member
hot dog hash hot dogs will be a right treat and with the amount of resin that strain will produce i predict a lot of them for you in the future.

have you spluffed anything with the fb male yet?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I agree with this statement completely. There is now way you are going to get the full effect of the 600 watt color spectrum if you don't run it at full strength. If you only give the bulb 1/2 of the energy it's designed for there is no way you are getting the results this bulb was designed for. I have 2 types of dim. ballast and have played with this to know 1/2 power slows the veg cycle down.IMO
Well that is news to me.

I veg first 30 days with 6500k CFL tho so I not concerned.

Also I got excellent growth under 450 on my goji.

If it ain't broke.. Lol