Club 600


Well-Known Member
Thanks Doob. I just wish there was something plant related I could work on. I need to pop some seeds but was waiting until I had access to a heat mat.

Do you guys use heat mats for popping seeds? I tried one a couple of years ago and have been using them ever since. I just don't have a working one right now. I was considering just filling some cups with soil and sticking my seeds in them. They weren't free seeds though so I'm hesitant to do so. It's either that or I take cuttings from the clones I got from Chaka. I need to do one or the other in the next few days though or I'll start getting behind in the schedule I'm trying to get set up.
that's what i do,fill cups with soil,plant seeds(on big/full moon)<<<just fills good.


Well-Known Member
I was considering busting out the paper towel method to germ the seeds. I haven't done that in a few years now but it is how I always did it before I started using the heat mat. I'm not a fan of starting seeds in FFOF either because I feel it's too hot for them so I need to get a small bag of some starting mix I think.


Well-Known Member
This has been the least stressful start to a grow I've ever had.
I know a bazillion things can still go wrong between now & harvest, but this really is so much easier to maintain.
Growing indoors I really "feel" like I'm growing plants & doing things.
Outdoors, I feel like I've abandoned my babies to fend for themselves, but knowing that it's the way they were designed, so it's natural.
A weird feeling.


Well-Known Member
Wish i had bought a house further away from neighboors and people!!

So i went to the big knee exam today. Sounded pretty good like there is a new doc in town and he got new methods. Name sounded funny :)
ultrasound showed spikes?! lol i went outta there forgetting to ask what that means. Guess its the broken cartilage..
So about 4 weeks and then new mr scan for the new doc to work with in operation. Uhhh get chills thinking about it.
Diagnosissesss. Cartilage damage. Jumpers knee. Chondromalacia patellae.
Hope i get somekind of iron cage round my leg after surgery so that when im ready i can do a RUN FORREST RUN! ;)

Ahahah had a m8 over to celebrate and he has been of the bong for a week just smoking joints. He smoked a bowl of honeycomb mixed with some bubba resin and a small amount of lemon skunk. He got rocket high with uncontrollable laughter and we had a blast for about 30mins. Then he got all white in his face and started sweating like ive never seen before he then runs out and throws up. Tells me he never wanna smoke bong again. I tell him ill put the same in a joint and end his smoking days ;)
Wish i could get that high. Induced coma for 5 days now !!! :P


Well-Known Member
What would you do: The Chemdog is showing signs of spider mite attack. It only has about 10 days to chop. Should i give the areas i see damage at a chillibomb (not the flowers) or just let it ride the 10 days? Maybe chop now? :) Haha i love excuses to chop early.


Well-Known Member
yup. if the plant is getting hit by winds mites will find it difficult to stay on the plant. works for a bit at least to slow them down. so close to finish I wouldnt use anything else. Maybe water (drown them) but again you would want a fan on the plant to dry it quick as you dont want mold problems.

in warm months the mites and thrips seem to come easily. I have been making sure to treat plants right before flip so there is some protection through flower. pests suck.


Well-Known Member
Drop temps as much as you can till then, slows reproduction rates drastically.

Give the room a real good cleaning afterwards and stay proventative for then on.

I wouldn't suggest putting a fan on it, will just encourage and aid them to spread to other parts of the garden.

As SG mentioned, few shots of cold water will slow them down as they also dislike moisture. Heat and low rh is what they prefer.
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Well-Known Member
Wish I was home tending my plants ,stuck on the other side of town in an empty aprtment typing on some be tablet. Fuck! Should get there tonight hopefully carip,iallars are visouse