Club 600


Well-Known Member
I know that there is 2 forms of the Norse religion here in the U.S. There is the one you see in the prison system and are very racist. Thankfully his group are not the racist Norse. With this being said I don't know but think the answer would be no due to location and time of real vikings roaming the seas. My history isn't the best but I believe this was the point in time where civilizations just started to explore by seas, so ethnic cultures wouldn't have been deversed and blended at this time. I'm sure somebody will set me straight if I'm wrong.
I took a trip to Africa a few years back and there's this thing called the "black bible" basically it says black people were brought here from space and that's how life originated bla bla but it also states that the Africans sailed to Europe and americas and showed these other cultures how to navigate using the stars and mathematics. It was actually an interesting point of view.


Well-Known Member
I took a trip to Africa a few years back and there's this thing called the "black bible" basically it says black people were brought here from space and that's how life originated bla bla but it also states that the Africans sailed to Europe and americas and showed these other cultures how to navigate using the stars and mathematics. It was actually an interesting point of view.
Very interesting, I don't now so I can't say. I do know that 1/2 of what they teach us about history is wrong. 1 example, Paul Revere never made that famous ride. It was actually another man but his name didn't sound as good so historians rewrote it. My GF has a masters in history and opened my eyes. With that being said, I don't know about a book that states anybody came from space. That 1 thing would ruin what ever true facts where in that book for me. It could be possible, other cultures thought the world was flat. Maybe this is how Christopher Columbus really knew the world was round.


Well-Known Member
THere's racist vikings? haha

And I suspect he was pulling your lanyard, lol

I got me a 'grey area' lanyard on my keys. :) Best smoke shop in Amsterdam. What do they call them... cafe's?

The only thing these guys sing about is viking stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Oh, and on QI (TV programme in the UK), not sure if anyone in the UK watches it, but they stated that a massive % of what is "known fact" today, will be dispelled and incorrect in the future. The truth changes as Fuk me, I am surpised humans tiny little brains don't explode on the daily.
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Well-Known Member
Quit listening to the guys at the hydro shop for one. In my book big yields are from good genetics and a good environment. Less to do with nutrients, additives, supplements.

Lots of light, close to the plants, good consistent temps, good humidity, good air circulation, and good care.

Focus on growing massive roots... they will give you a huge plant.

Also, sing to your plants occasionally. Or at least speak nicely to them.


Well-Known Member
Quit listening to the guys at the hydro shop for one. In my book big yields are from good genetics and a good environment. Less to do with nutrients, additives, supplements.

Lots of light, close to the plants, good consistent temps, good humidity, good air circulation, and good care.

Focus on growing massive roots... they will give you a huge plant.

Also, sing to your plants occasionally. Or at least speak nicely to them.
Any idea on how to get bigger roots in a 5gal dwc. BTW I'll be moving to an apartment soon I wonder if its even plausible to do while thereIMG_20140811_153755:nopm:.jpg


Well-Known Member
I really think the more additives you add the more the plants suffer.

It really doesn't take much to grow a plant, we've been doing it for thousands of years.

Just watch your girls and show them love and they will show you love in return, besides who cares bout yield of quality is there.

I'll gladly take something I only need a bowl of to be good rather then 2 or 3.


Well-Known Member
Well guys i am supposed to be getting a call back today from an artisan shop here in town. I called today and talked to the office woman and the boss is interested in talking to me. So please keep me and my family in your thoughts as we really need this opportunity for advancement.