Club 600


Well-Known Member
Well guys I'm going to have to go away for awhile.

My plans I had for keeping meds available for girl have fallen through and now I'm out in search of someone else willing to help.

These last couple months have been the shittiest times of my life and I'm about ready to do something stupid I'm afraid to make sure I can keep her meds.

Take care everyone and hopefully someday I will be back.


Well-Known Member
Yea it sucks. This is what I deal with without meds for her.

Have been through so many pharmaceuticals and nothing stops this like cannabis. I'm so crushed right now..



Well-Known Member
Well we're off to the hospital again..

Attack has been going on for 45 minutes now. Worse then the last. Whole lower body shaking, muscles tightening, sweating. She's in tears and there's nothing I can do.

This all has to be a bad dream right? Tomorrow I'll wake up and it's all going to be back to normal...


Well-Known Member
Good luck at the hospital giggles. Hope you can get it stoped there! I wish i could help more then i did but i am waiting another week for the first to finish under the leds


Well-Known Member
Good luck at the hospital giggles. Hope you can get it stoped there! I wish i could help more then i did but i am waiting another week for the first to finish under the leds
It's ok doc, I'm very grateful for what you did do. They are doing an CT Scan now. They had to strap her down, this shit blows.

I've got enough flower for another week and then after that I'm not quite sure what I've got going on.

I mean even if I do a 12/12 I'm still looking at 8 weeks. 7 if I pull early and that's not necessarily good unless I make some RSO or other. Which wouldn't be bad, but that 7 week stretch is where it's going to get tricky....