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Pot plants: Officials investigating how flower beds were used to grow MARIJUANA in the middle of the Kazakhstan capital
- Hundreds of marijuana plants found growing in flower beds in Astana City
- Officials cannot explain how the herbs got there, or who planted them
- Gardening firm responsible for maintaining the plant beds being quizzed
- Kazakhstan's climate is ideal for growing drug, which is often found wild
Chris Pleasance for MailOnline
Published: 07:35 EST, 27 May 2015 | Updated: 09:42 EST, 27 May 2015
Kazakhstan's government has launched an investigation after hundreds of marijuana plants were discovered growing in flowerbeds across the capital.
Images of planting beds in Astana City filled with the illegal herbs have been uploaded by Russian Facebook users, though everyone seems mystified as to where they have come from.
While some have suggested the cannabis was planted by local users keen to cash in on a free supply, others have suggest the government is trying to lure drug users in before arresting them.
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Authorities in Kazakhstan's capital Astana City are investigating after images of hundreds of cannabis plants growing in flowerbeds there were uploaded to Russian social media sites
A visitor to Astana City uploaded the first picture, saying they were attracted to the plants by their strange smell before realising what they were (pictured)
Authorities now say they are contacting gardening company Astana-Zelenstory, who are responsible for maintaining the beds, to ask how the plants have been allowed to grow there.
