Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hey 600, trying to get some input as far as when to chop cause I'm at a loss with her right now. Today is day 61 of flower, it's headcheese supposedly but I'm pretty sure she was indica dominant. She has started yellowing significantly since a couple weeks ago, never changed the amount of nutes I was giving her, so as of a week ago I decided to flush and just use plain water since she's coming up on harvest. I have a 120x I've been using to check out trichs and to me it seems like I still have quite a bit of clear. Definitely some cloudy and ambers but for the most part I think they are clear. What I was thinking was just watering her one more time tomorrow and then let her dry out til friday and chop her then. I'm going to cure with boveda packs so I'm hoping that works out as well. Here are some pics, thanks for any input! One love.

hey bru, still looks like it has a bit to go (definitely a 10 plus week strain by the looks of it). I don't think it would harm it to leave her a wee bit longer:) You have waited already, don't want to get trigger happy choppy fingers now:)

james murphy

Well-Known Member
qrazy quake and cheese quake...anyone grow these out and if so pics or info..any idea how long the c.q.x ak 48 takes ..size , taste, and her overall demeanor. ty


Well-Known Member
Made some dry ice hash the other day,now this is what I smoke when I'm trying to get some restimage.jpg
Also made rosin out of half of it,got a nice amount...
And left a nice amount of left over hash.

The rosin is not putting me to sleep,like the dry ice hash it came from?

It's more of a smoke all day type buzz,and no grogginess to it at all..

What could this be?
What happened?

I still have the stuff I pressed,I'm going to test it ou right now.

What do you guys think is going on?


Well-Known Member
@DST - how are the clones doing? Mine are just starting to get nubs.

I start my new job on Wednesday!
Awesome news bud!! Was that the interview you went to last week? Isn't it nice when a client doesn't mess around for weeks on end making a decision. I have a contract hanging in the balance, a few weeks to renewal and the client is still messing around trying to figure out internal budgets....useless shites big business. I read an interesting article on the BBC about how big business could learn from Major Drug cartels and criminals, who think outside the defined lines of traditional business.

I'll check the clones and report back later lad.

Still raining, it's not stopped for 48 hours I think. Boring.


Well-Known Member
Well Internet back on, bud is back been lost without it. Hope all is well guys...

The 8x4 is empty I got around 20 dry and still 2 plants of critical to weigh up.......

Breeders boutique is the best strains ever like these dpq in my 3x3 smell lovely but don't look as to yeild much...

I don't no if it's my sloppiness with putting more care into.8x4 or the few environment factors ie no temp controller and intake, higher Temps in 3x3 as well as lower humidity......

And also debating a nft for my 3x3 first to get hang and do 1 in 8x4 in soil