Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, thanks for the nice words, it's a learning curve for sure, a whole new ball game like 1BMM said. need to try and think how I can protect thse for next year because, weather permitting, and the right protection and i will get them to grow. Like I said, the little purple baby was so delicious smelling. And she was chopped and brought home and will be smoked to say thanks to the ganja gods.... so I don't think there will be no problems.

And humbolt, it's inner city ring road, very urban, but also discreet....and also wild....the whole of holland is either marsh or farmland, reclamed or used for something. Very efficient!

I cannot remember how long I vegged my DOG for....well the one for the thread that is. It was a couple of weeks or so, then into 12/12 and a gallon pot. Main problem is due to the fact that its a bit smaller than the other girls so is a bit shaded and mainly gets MH...

I am thinking of stopping the MH....I am just concerned that my electrical consumption is going through the roof.

Anyway folks, have a good evening, night, sleep, whatever stage you are at.


Well-Known Member
Thing about outdoor DST is to find something that finishes before the weather really gets cold at night. Its trial and error, I like the more indica hybrids, something with afghani. they usually finish up pretty quick and get some huge colas outdoors. Your in the Dam am I correct? You may want to try something designed for an area somewhat similar. I would try an outdoor strain from a canadian company, something like Timewarp, or Grapefruit Indica, Bonkers is supposed to be good outdoors as well. White Rhino finishes end of september to the end of the first week of October here. I dont do anything with much sativa in it because with out a greenhouse and some sort of heat at night, they would never finish. Rain can be a big issue in my area, its about finding a strain with good mold resistance. The faster they finish, the less time for problems to occur. I like autoflowers outdoors. They dont produce much in the spring time but they do pretty good if they are flowering in the later summer months and into september. Not too bad of smoke either. And damn near impossible to see. So easy to hide. Put about 5 or 6 in a patch and you can easily get a few ounces if you have the right strain. I like them for an early outdoor crop. I just love my outdoor grown cannabis. It so much easier to grow outdoor than it is indoors. In my opinion anyway. Mother nature does most of the work. I just have to prepare the soil. Water and feed when she doesnt, check for problems, and harvest. It really is that easy. Just gotta find a good spot, and know your area. Know what the farmers are doing, know what gets mowed ;) ya know, stuff like that. Its best to be in an area like yours DST, if that is fresh water you could just bring in your nutes, and use the local water to give to your plants. I like those 5 gallon collapsible water jugs that people use for camping, they crush down to a relatively small size, great for guerrilla growing. And chicken fencing to keep the critters away from them when they are smaller. Just paint it brown so its hard to see in with the reeds and weeds or whatever is around. And find some clear plastic bags that are big enough to go over the fencing for when it does rain. I dont do that but I have seen it done with success. I just dont like to say, hey look over here. I take my chances, like I said, it is trial and error until you find something that does good in that area. Then once you find that strain you can branch out from there, finding strains with similar growth patterns and flowering times to find more that does good in your area. I do mostly indica hybrids for the most part, mostly due to not being able to find something 100% indica, even if labeled as such. Pretty much anything that will finish before the end of the second week of october, even thats cutting it close sometimes. Preferably by the end of the first week of October. That way Im not worrying about the cold and rain together. Rain isnt an issue if the sun will be out and its warm the next day. It is if it rains, and its going to be cold, mold fucking city. Make sure your plants can get at least 8 hours of direct sunlight, the more the better, but 8 hours of the sun directly on it will produce some big buds. Its good to get the morning sun that way the dew can be dried up, and shade in the late afternoon, because thats when its hottest in the summer. Keeps the plants very happy. Just some advise and what not. Take care club 600.


Well-Known Member
Got in my early christams list today haha. 50 pounds of hydroton haha. The postman was struggling with it from what i here. 8" vortex brand inline fan & speed controller. Just a few more parts boys and its on.

:Peace: 1BMM


Well-Known Member
I was bored, took the time to label my pictures in Adobe Illustrator, and RIU wont let me upload .ai files. Total BS, but oh well here are the unlabled pictures for you folks, take care, like always any questions on whats what just as I will be glad to answer.


Well-Known Member
She appears to be caressing the lovely buds Genuity.. God she looks happy..:clap::clap::clap: You da man Genuity.:bigjoint:
she jus might be protecting the buds at nite,she must know im getting

its crazy,cause its getting cold out side and all the ladybugs are comeing in
and this is the only plant they like to be on.


Well-Known Member
Thats very interesting gen?!? curiosity brings me to google for like the 100th time today. Sorry if you already mentioned it but what stain is she?


Well-Known Member
Why do you use Illustrator for photos?
The files were too big when I used photoshop, and I wasnt trying to downsize the photo anymore than I already did. 800x600 is already way smaller than what they originally are. The further you take it down, seems them more quality you lose when you want to zoom in on something. Plus the photos were taken with my shaky hands so loss of quality isnt an option when they are already bad. My question to you is why not use illustrator, other than its not an accepted format for RIU.


1-600 watt HPS, $160 entire drip system, simple fans, passive air, to the point nutes! It was a progressive opp but to date minus nutes probably $550, That includes veg room 400 watt MH, Flood & Drain. All together 60 plants 26 in flower. Have Jack, ICE, GIGGABUD, and my own cross from Deisel & Jamacian. Weird mix but I make it work with training.


Well-Known Member
The files were too big when I used photoshop, and I wasnt trying to downsize the photo anymore than I already did. 800x600 is already way smaller than what they originally are.
800x600 is proper size for web viewing and/or forum viewing.

The further you take it down, seems them more quality you lose when you want to zoom in on something.
If you post a pic at original size it is far larger than most peoples monitors.

My question to you is why not use illustrator, other than its not an accepted format for RIU.
Illustrator is normally used for creating/editing vector graphics. Photoshop/Paint, etc are typically used for editing photos/images.


Well-Known Member
800x600 is proper size for web viewing and/or forum viewing.

If you post a pic at original size it is far larger than most peoples monitors.

Illustrator is normally used for creating/editing vector graphics. Photoshop/Paint, etc are typically used for editing photos/images.
Your right, thats why people need to get a damn widescreen hd monitor already..ha ha. Last time I used paint it fucked up the picture quality I will try again. And the files were too big when I used photoshop, RIUs max upload size is 2mb. Kinda BS but theres a lot of pics floating around here. You quoted my question as to why not use Illustrator, but didnt answer it. Does the same thing, but the file sizes come out smaller with AI compared to PS. Thats why I tried it. Damn, gettin shit for the program I tried to use. I WAS JUST SEEING IF IT WOULD WORK, damn people. Im not a fucking tech nerd, I dont know the ins and outs of the adobe shit, I just own it. So for future references on a technical fuck up of mine, IM NOT A FUCKING TECH NERD AND DONT CARE TO BE CORRECTED FOR SOMETHING STUPID.