CNN contributor Bakari Sellers: ‘Bernie 2020 died 4/4/18’

Evidence? Evidence is presented as proof of something. What does the graph prove?
The graph shows that when the Democratic party represented the working class, they dominated American politics for nearly 60 years - that was a successful strategy. Since the party has abandoned that strategy, they've lost more than 1,000 seats in 10 years - objectively, that is a failed strategy
What business "model" is he talking about?
The business model you and the other neoliberals claim is required to compete against Republicans; accepting corporate donations from special interests
Nobody is smearing Bernie.
That's exactly what you're trying to do by misrepresenting his quote and claiming he's criticizing Obama instead of the Democratic party and their political strategy
The graph shows that when the Democratic party represented the working class, they dominated American politics for nearly 60 years - that was a successful strategy. Since the party has abandoned that strategy, they've lost more than 1,000 seats in 10 years - objectively, that is a failed strategy

The business model you and the other neoliberals claim is required to compete against Republicans; accepting corporate donations from special interests

That's exactly what you're trying to do by misrepresenting his quote and claiming he's criticizing Obama instead of the Democratic party and their political strategy
are you STILL crying about bernie?
The graph shows that when the Democratic party represented the working class, they dominated American politics for nearly 60 years - that was a successful strategy. Since the party has abandoned that strategy, they've lost more than 1,000 seats in 10 years - objectively, that is a failed strategy

The business model you and the other neoliberals claim is required to compete against Republicans; accepting corporate donations from special interests

That's exactly what you're trying to do by misrepresenting his quote and claiming he's criticizing Obama instead of the Democratic party and their political strategy
Just exactly what does that graph show? It's a backward looking graphic and is useless to predict anything.

So what is this business model supposed to predict? Are you saying that because Democrats accept legal campaign contributions they will lose this November?

Democrats haven't abandoned unions or collective labor, the people of the US abandoned unions by voting for Reagan and Bush 1 and 2. Democrats have always been linked to unions and working class issues. In 2016, working classes voted in the majority for Democrats including Clinton. It was the better off white people who voted in larger numbers for Republicans. Not even a majority. Too funny that Bernie and his minions have been selling fake history along with fake progress.

You and Bernie are no more Progressive than the Democrats are Neoliberal. If Bernie represents "progressive" then what "progress" has he made? The ACA, the biggest and best accomplishment made by Democrats thus far this decade is far from Neoliberal policy. Democrats will run this year on strengthening the ACA, strengthening Unions and local issues. These are hardly Neoliberal. Go look up the term.

But it's OK. Bernie has sunk his campaign well ahead of 2020. I doubt he'll even run now. Bernie criticized Obama repeatedly and in some venues that would be OK. But not Mississippi on the day to observe MLK's sacrifice. Don't trust me and my word, go out and read what's being posted about all that.
Not interested in talking to someone who can't hold a basic level of respect, so have a good day
Not interested in talking to someone who can't hold a basic level of respect, so have a good day
Can't hold your own anymore? Go listen to more of Jimmy Dore and get back with me after his propaganda tirade fills you full of anti-democratic-party rage.

The problems with Bernie babies are two-fold

First, you invent the meanings of terms to suit your belief

Second, you are tools of people who fund propaganda blogs that are supposedly representing left policies but all they do is attack Democrats. I don't know where their funding comes from but it sounds a like it comes from the right.

Still, you guys are OK, if perhaps a bit irritating and naive. Republicans are the problem. They have been the problem for 50 years.

I'm OK with Bernie criticizing the Democratic party. Less so when he says dismissive and patronizing things about Obama in Jackson Mississippi on the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Marthin Luther King. But daaaaamn that was a bad time to do either.

Like him or not, you have to admit that his timing was terrible. How can he win the nomination in 2020 if he doesn't win votes from people who didn't vote for him in 2016?
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Can't hold your own anymore? Go listen to more of Jimmy Dore and get back with me after his propaganda tirade fills you full of anti-democratic-party rage.

The problems with Bernie babies are two-fold

First, you invent the meanings of terms to suit your belief

Second, you are tools of people who fund propaganda blogs that are supposedly representing left policies but all they do is attack Democrats. I don't know where their funding comes from but it sounds a like it comes from the right.

Still, you guys are OK, if perhaps a bit irritating and naive. Republicans are the problem. They have been the problem for 50 years.

I'm OK with Bernie criticizing the Democratic party. Less so when he says dismissive and patronizing things about Obama in Jackson Mississippi on the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Marthin Luther King. But daaaaamn that was a bad time to do either.

Like him or not, you have to admit that his timing was terrible. How can he win the nomination in 2020 if he doesn't win votes from people who didn't vote for him in 2016?
he demands we hold a basic level of respect for him, and also not get so offended when he calls people f***ots
Can't hold your own anymore?
I'm not interested in talking to a child about politics. It's a waste of time. The issues are what matter to me, all you ever talk about are distractions from the issues because you lose when it comes to actual policy.