Can't hold your own anymore? Go listen to more of Jimmy Dore and get back with me after his propaganda tirade fills you full of anti-democratic-party rage.
The problems with Bernie babies are two-fold
First, you invent the meanings of terms to suit your belief
Second, you are tools of people who fund propaganda blogs that are supposedly representing left policies but all they do is attack Democrats. I don't know where their funding comes from but it sounds a like it comes from the right.
Still, you guys are OK, if perhaps a bit irritating and naive. Republicans are the problem. They have been the problem for 50 years.
I'm OK with Bernie criticizing the Democratic party. Less so when he says dismissive and patronizing things about Obama in Jackson Mississippi on the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Marthin Luther King. But daaaaamn that was a bad time to do either.
Like him or not, you have to admit that his timing was terrible. How can he win the nomination in 2020 if he doesn't win votes from people who didn't vote for him in 2016?