Co2 first timer please help


Well-Known Member
This may be a silly question but work with please... So I finally got my tank and regulator all hooked and ran nice so I go for a test run and can't tell wether it's working or not as far as if the co2 is coming out or not so can some1 tell me how I can be sure that there's actually co2 going in my room? Should I be able to see it?


Co2s color less and smell less. Go into your room. If you get a little light headed after awhile it's working


Well-Known Member
Co2s color less and smell less. Go into your room. If you get a little light headed after awhile it's working
Thanks a lot buddy... I cut all vetilation off so I know the temps are gonna raise but should the humidity raise too?


Well-Known Member
yeah humidity is gonna rise, you just gotta put it all on a timer, you dont need co2 at night, so when that turns off kick on the vent system. i would probably do that mid-day too to refresh the air for 1/2 an hour or so. you can get dampers on your vents so when not in use they seal up again.

also, personally if i had a co2 system, i would deffinetly get a co2 meter to consistently moniter the co2 quantity in the oxygen. you need it to stay around 1500ppm for best use. higher than that can be bad for you and your plants


Well-Known Member
yeah humidity is gonna rise, you just gotta put it all on a timer, you dont need co2 at night, so when that turns off kick on the vent system. i would probably do that mid-day too to refresh the air for 1/2 an hour or so. you can get dampers on your vents so when not in use they seal up again.

also, personally if i had a co2 system, i would deffinetly get a co2 meter to consistently moniter the co2 quantity in the oxygen. you need it to stay around 1500ppm for best use. higher than that can be bad for you and your plants
Ok... I have this lil contraption hooked up to it cid:816301FB-E0DA-420A-BB56-AB2976A65715/image.jpeg would this be what your referring to? After online research I determined that 30 mins at a time would be with the pressure being at about .78 ppm for the size of my room. However my psi never hits 1500 is this something that would occur once the co2 has released enough?