CO2 not good for you...


Well-Known Member
Their buildup of CO2 was lowering the O2 levels and was likely becoming a large percentage of the air they were breathing. Even 10,000ppm is only 1% and they were many % higher than that.

Even too much water can throw your electrolytes off balance and eventually kill you but I'm not worried about even a couple thou ppm of CO2. CO on the other hand . . . ;)

I agree Renfros first answer in post 16 nails it. he has no clue bongsmilie keep sucking on the c02 there buddy. I think roger is on to some thing.


Well-Known Member
Hypercapnia happens when the CO2 levels are elevated causing the CO2 to not leave the blood and exit the lungs causing red blood cells to be unable to pickup more oxygen. So it's nothing to do with the oxygen levels, but the red blood cells not being able to give up the CO2 when the CO2 levels are high.
I checked that out and you're not going to suffer hypercapnia from 1500ppm CO2 at normal atmospheric pressures. No way, no how.

This is truly a non-issue when it comes to adding CO2 to a grow room and not worthy of further discussion IMO.

Plugged my CO2 controller in to see how high my alcohol lamp is getting my CO2 and it's hitting around 1250ppm so raised my thermostat to let the room get to 85F before the exhaust fan kicks in.


Well-Known Member
I am saying the astronauts had hypercapnia, not us growers. We live in homes that are very likely over 1000 PPM just from occupancy. Thats why newer homes have a fresh air intake in the central air system. There is absolutely nothing to worry about running CO2 at 1500 PPM or lower unless perhaps one has bad lungsa or some blood disorder and then they are probably dragging an oxygen bottle around.