CO2 questions


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how much CO2 is in the air without adding additional CO2 through a CO2 generator or a CO2 bottle?

I have read that 1500 to 2000 ppm is optimal, is this correct?

What are the benefits I can expect from adding a CO2 generator to my grow room?

When installing a CO2 generator do you install it above the plants or can you install it anywhere in the room?

As always, thank you all for your help!


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how much CO2 is in the air without adding additional CO2 through a CO2 generator or a CO2 bottle?

I have read that 1500 to 2000 ppm is optimal, is this correct?

What are the benefits I can expect from adding a CO2 generator to my grow room?

When installing a CO2 generator do you install it above the plants or can you install it anywhere in the room?

As always, thank you all for your help!

It is said that with using C02 you can double your yield,

And it is a fine line to feed them C02, once you exceed what is optimal then you have the chance of hurting you plant by overloading them with C02

There are cheap way to do C02 but the real way is to get a C02 tank with regulator and have it turn in just before you turn on the lights and turn it off before the lights go off

Hope this helps



Well-Known Member

It is said that with using C02 you can double your yield,

And it is a fine line to feed them C02, once you exceed what is optimal then you have the chance of hurting you plant by overloading them with C02

There are cheap way to do C02 but the real way is to get a C02 tank with regulator and have it turn in just before you turn on the lights and turn it off before the lights go off

Hope this helps

And if you install got ot the pet store and buy some C02 lines from them and put the lines above your plants

C02 falls since it is heavier than air


Well-Known Member
I believe as a rule of thumb its assumed ambient co2 levels are around 300 ppm
This is correct. Average co2 levels are between 200 ppm (in the country) - 500 ppm (in a large city.)

Ive read that plants love co2 levels up to 1500 ppm - 2000 ppm. I wouldnt go any higher than 2000 ppm unless you have an infestation problem. High levels of co2 inhibits insect growth and can kill any bugs by holding the co2 level above 2000 ppm for several hours.

I dont know of anybody killing their plants from too much co2, and it takes very high levels to be toxic for humans. OSHA states that the maximum co2 level for an 8 hour working period is 5000 ppm.

Oh yeah one more thing.... Some growers have reported to High Times that high levels of co2 near harvest time can reduce potency.


Well-Known Member
co2 is about 6.5 times denser than air. So remember to get a couple fans to circulate the air

Edit: One last thing... I doubt it will double your yeilds. I havent noticed much difference since I began using it. And when I dont use it everything looks good as usual. Monitoring and maintaining co2 levels can cost BIG $$$ so you have to decide if its something you want to invest in or not.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
co2 is about 6.5 times denser than air. So remember to get a couple fans to circulate the air

Edit: One last thing... I doubt it will double your yeilds. I havent noticed much difference since I began using it. And when I dont use it everything looks good as usual. Monitoring and maintaining co2 levels can cost BIG $$$ so you have to decide if its something you want to invest in or not.

Good luck
Well I am using it and I do see a BIG difference using it, I think you need to do some more homework

And if you use it from start to finish yes you can double your yield


Well-Known Member
Well I am using it and I do see a BIG difference using it, I think you need to do some more homework

And if you use it from start to finish yes you can double your yield
If you claim co2 doubles your yeilds I would like to see some proof.

I dont intend on being a jerk, I would like to see it. I have never seen an experienced grower claim such a thing.

Lets not ruin another thread with angry accusations "you need to do your homework blah blah blah" Lets try to keep this civil. Thank you


Well-Known Member
No I hear you I will dig up some info

We are all hear to learn a thing or 2, let me see what I can find


Well-Known Member
No I hear you I will dig up some info

We are all hear to learn a thing or 2, let me see what I can find
Cool. Hey man I saw that you grow with LED. How do you like it? I've thought about using it in addition to my HPS/MH combo. That way Id have a HPS/MH/LED grow. Pretty bad ass I think :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Cool. Hey man I saw that you grow with LED. How do you like it? I've thought about using it in addition to my HPS/MH combo. That way Id have a HPS/MH/LED grow. Pretty bad ass I think :bigjoint:
Ya it's been pretty cool so far, I am working with close quarters and I wanted to keep the heat down and looked around here and found a couple threads on them, I liked what I saw and picked the best light I could afford

Very happy with the current light and set up, my next round will be more fine tuned I hope

Funny right now I am heading into winter so I need to bring up the temps, I had to throw a couple CFL's in there, they are also lighting the lower branches and heating the plants

I run the light during the coldest part of the day, they turn on about 8pm, temps are 65 now and steady


Well-Known Member
Ya it's been pretty cool so far, I am working with close quarters and I wanted to keep the heat down and looked around here and found a couple threads on them, I liked what I saw and picked the best light I could afford

Very happy with the current light and set up, my next round will be more fine tuned I hope

Funny right now I am heading into winter so I need to bring up the temps, I had to throw a couple CFL's in there, they are also lighting the lower branches and heating the plants

I run the light during the coldest part of the day, they turn on about 8pm, temps are 65 now and steady
Some of my clones are pretty dense and I was thinking of using CFL's under the canopy, has that been successful for you? I was thinking one 100w CFL in between 4 plants.

There was a guy posting a $950 LED system on here and I was thinking about using that as supplemental light for my HPS? The system he is pimping seems to be pretty top of the line stuff.

Thanks to everyone for your great responses!


Well-Known Member
My info on CO2:

Here are some pretty much facts:

Adding the correct amount of CO2 at the correct times (which is most of the growing phase) will consistently add 20-35% increase in yield.

Bigfattomatofarmer was right on the button, general CO2 levels range from 200-500 ppm.

In terms of what is the correct amount of CO2, this is how it works. Unfortunately I dont have a diagram to assist but its pretty straight forward, the maximum saturation level is 1800ppm, anything over this is a complete waste. The absorption rate plateaus at around 1500 ppm, in the sense that the difference in absorption between 800-1300 is huge, but the absorption increase between 1500-1800 is VERY MINIMAL. Therefore in my experience I like to keep my open rooms at 1200ppm and my closed rooms at 1500 ppm.

In terms of when the correct time is , i love to blast co2 strong all veg, no extra co2 the first week of flower and then strong co2 during the rest of flower, and finally NO CO2 during flushing weeks at the end. Reasons being a) some people say co2 in early flower will cause a bit of stretching (althought others claim you can run co2 all the way through, the difference probably isnt huge). But no extra co2 the last two weeks is good because by this time most or almost all of the size has finished grow and you really need the plant to focus on maturing so excess co2 is wasted.

To install a co2 generator or not? Well you have two options A) a propane burning generator and controller and B) Bottle co2 (tanks) plus regulator and controller. Either of these ur looking to spend prob close to a G (1k). FOR SMALL GARDENS U CAN USE CO2 PUCKS. My advice: ALWAYS ADD CO2 if you have a 1 lighter in the closet use co2 pucks if you have anything bigger than that pick one of the systems and get going! I use bottles they are easy and IF YOU HAVE CORRECT AIRFLOW CO2 CAN BE RELEASED ANYWHERE, if not set up lines above the canopy so it can fall directly on the plants.

smoker out