codeine in canada


Well-Known Member
planning on taking a trip up to niagra falls this summer and heard about the availability of codeine in canada. was wondering if anybody knew how easy it is to obtain


Well-Known Member
Before the canuks banned me from Canada i used to make runs from Detroit to Canada for the casino,on my way back home i'd pick up a couple thousand tylenols for the hell of it.

Go to any pharmacy & ask the employees,they will get them for you as they are kept behind the counter.

Keep in mind that they are 100% worthless for anything more than a small boo boo,they are only Tylenol #2's,at the border dont hide them,when they ask for any declarations make sure you tell them you have the medicine,if you dont declare them you can & most likely will be in for some serious shit.

By the time you pay for gas,tolls,figure in your drive time & the long ass wait at the border its cheaper to buy shit off the street that really works,tylenol 2's suck.


Well-Known Member
border patrol was okay with you bringing thousands back into the u.s. and the employess didnt mind selling that many without suspicion


Well-Known Member
they would probably be ok if you took like 20 of them and did an extraction on them to get all the tylenol to seperate from the codiene


Well-Known Member
border patrol was okay with you bringing thousands back into the u.s. and the employess didnt mind selling that many without suspicion
Why would a pharmacist or assistant mind selling something that is legal,sure ive been asked why i wanted 50 bottles,i just told em im from the states,then with a rolled eyed look they hand em over.

I live very close to Canada,Canadians regulary come to the states to buy cold medicine (sudafed & such) that they cant get in Canada & Americans regulary go to Canada to buy medicine (codine) they cant get at home.

Believe me, this whole Canadian codiene thing is nothing new to customs.


Well-Known Member
so which countrys customs do i have to run in with and will the just let me waltz over the border


Well-Known Member
All depends on what customs asshole you get,the last time i came back from canada red flagged me & sent me to the inspection area,then let a fully loaded u-haul truck directly behind me pass right through.

Its pot luck at the border.