

I need some advice on why my plant hasnt grown any in 2 weeks. Its remained the same size. I planted it about a month and a half ago and it seems like it is just stuck at the same size. It was in a smaller pot and I just transplanted it 2 days ago to a larger pot.

This is my plant in its entire growth so far:

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Current Week: (Plant hasnt grown from this in 2 weeks )

Today I just recently added a slight amount of miracle grow fertilizer to see if it will have any effect. Im not sure if it hasnt grown well due to the fact we havent had any good sunlight in 2 weeks except yesterday and lots of rain. Also bugs are still munching my plants up. I soaked a bunch of cig. buds in a bucket and put it on the plant and it worked very well for a short amount of time. Can anyone tell me what I can do to make my plant grow quicker and bigger? Its been almost 2 months now and I thought my plant would be way bigger and ready to bud by now :S


dude, get some organic soil mix it with some perlite...the soil may be the problem....water it only every other day or every two days (LOOKS OVERWATERED BY THE PICTURE), it also looks streched in picture 2...


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you using? Its very possible your plant became root-bound in this cup if I'm seeing it right. 8-16oz party cup? Your roots likely locked and are now free to grow larger. I'd hold off on nutes until you see growth again given how healthy the leaves are looking. Wait a week for transplant shock to wear off and she'll prob start right back up again. Remember the soil guideline, 1 foot plant = 1 gallon pot. 2 foot plant, 2 gallon pot, so on and so forth. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
After giving the soil a closer examination, you should be using something other than shit you dug out of your backyard if thats actually what it is. For new growers and experienced soil growers that don't want to mix their own soil - Fox Farms Ocean. Great stuff. I'm almost positive its root-bound. You vegged for a month in a cup, its bound (heehee) to happen.

Hippy Girl

I feel so bad for you.
Is there any way you can get yourself a few CFL lights?

I'm attaching a picture of my 3 week old as of today AK-48.
She's in a 6" net cup, using the bubbler and a little over 6" wide, reaching past the net cup.

Can you bring them in by chance?



I cant bring them in however I do have a large shed outside with a few red lights in it. You are probably right about the over watering of the plant its had heavy rain for a week straight almost and looks like rain again today. As for the pot its a 2 gallon pot. The soil is miracle gro potting soil. the light brown stuff on top is ashes from hickory wood. Someone told me it would keep the bugs away. When I took it out of the old pot the roots were sticking out the bottom of the soil ( I did not damage the roots ) I just took a bigger pot filled it with soil dug a hole in the middle of it, cut the bottom off the small pot then sat it in the hole..after that I cut a slit in each side and simple pulled the plastic off so the plant pretty much never moved. If its over watered what should I do? and if its stretching what should I do? thankyou!


Well-Known Member
Your soil is probably fine. The plant looks healthy, if it was kept in a small cup in it's just stayed a little small. In this bigger space let it grow roots. It's likely just going to grow roots first and then explode with growth. I wouldn't fret too much, give it a week to bounce back from the transplant.


clone it and start again, with some from soil mix,not that dog shit youve got it growin in,?
lol thats pretty funny but true. thats what it looks like.

and thanks laserbrn some positive talk, I thought it looked quite healthy myself just small, guess you cant really tell unless you see it in person. Only damage I see to it is some bug damage but nothing major. Its spose to be sunny and hot the next week so I think itll be good to go. As for the root situation you are right because in the small cup the roots were bunched up and couldnt go anywhere probably stopping the growth of the plant and now that its in a larger pot it will probably get back to normal. If it starts growing again does anyone know an estimate of when it will start budding? thanks!


Well-Known Member
Jaiixd, budding is controlled by your photoperiod. If you drop your photoperiod to less than 13 hours of light a day it will begin flowering (budding). A good rule of thumb to follow is that when your plant is half the size you want your finished plant to be, start the budding process. To ensure you will be able to start your plant budding, your shed needs to be lightproof. Any light getting into your shed will confuse your plant and it will continue in its vegetative state indefintely.


Well-Known Member
If you are using purely sunlight to grow, check the almanac for your region on when daylight will sufficiently reduce to begin flowering. If you're in a hurry, decreasing moisture can also encourage flowering, but ensure your plant doesn't die for lack of water.


so you are saying I could actually makemy plant bud right now? if I decreased its hours of light? I was always wondering about that because ive seen plants on the internet that werent even a foot tall and had buds on the tops of them :S ..