Conservatives programed to trigger at words "Black Lives Matter" by Russian trolls.

I DO NOT SUPPORT ALM OR BLM. ALM is just plain stupid but BLM is a good idea (hence I said Idea) i don't support the movement at all simply because of they ways they 'protest'/riot and the BLM organization literally said that they were trained marxists-leninists plus the leader of the organization used $200k from the donations to spend on himself.BLM hasn't even done anything for Black Lives aswell all they have done is try to make a white saviour complex within society and try to force radical-liberalism on the USA. During some of the riots they literally said "Death to all white people." just think are you seriously ok with this?
I would question where you got this information from.

When did you first see stuff about BLM, and was it from Facebook/Youtube/Fox?

Because what you are talking about should have nothing to do with the social justice protests going on, nor the rioters that are using these protests as cover to further radicalize people in our nation.

You seem very invested in this virtual rabbit hole that the Russian military has created for Trump to use as his re-election campaign.
Im new here and i really enjoy how civil the non-plant realted conversations go. Super impressed with my stoner brothers & sisters. I gave up social media because of all the arguments and shit. You guys rock.
Im new here and i really enjoy how civil the non-plant realted conversations go. Super impressed with my stoner brothers & sisters. I gave up social media because of all the arguments and shit. You guys rock.
Like every other website with a forum this place fair share of trolls, just be quick with the ignore button and it is pretty nice here. The moderators do a good job keeping the trolling down though.

Welcome to the site!
I DO NOT SUPPORT ALM OR BLM. ALM is just plain stupid but BLM is a good idea (hence I said Idea) i don't support the movement at all simply because of they ways they 'protest'/riot and the BLM organization literally said that they were trained marxists-leninists plus the leader of the organization used $200k from the donations to spend on himself.BLM hasn't even done anything for Black Lives aswell all they have done is try to make a white saviour complex within society and try to force radical-liberalism on the USA. During some of the riots they literally said "Death to all white people." just think are you seriously ok with this?
Is this different than a klan rally in any way? Are you opposed to Klan rallies then as well? Or is that “different”

I live near Ferguson. When all that happened most of the people arrested for rioting were not from Ferguson. They were not even from St Louis.
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Is this different than a klan rally in any way? Are you opposed to Klan rallies then as well? Or is that “different”

I live near Ferguson. When all that happened most of the people arrested for rioting were not from Ferguson. They were not even from St Louis.

Why would I support Klan rallies? I am not a white supremacist.And you don’t hear much of Klan rallies these days I truly do wonder what they are doing down in the Deep South.And of course people are gonna come from different places to riot
Oh they’re around. I live in Florida.

I think you’re using rioters and protesters interchangeably, which they’re not.
He’s actually using rioters/protestors/black people interchangeably as well. There were a lot of white protesters as well. His non acknowledgement of that tells you what his mindset is.
More evidence you’re clueless, they are everywhere. Not just the “Deep South”

What they have done is stopped wearing hoods and more under the radar.

They flourish in the Deep South? And of course they go under the radar these days because you can’t go around wearing a KKK robe into your local shopping centre or servo
I didn’t see that in his posts.

I DO NOT SUPPORT ALM OR BLM. ALM is just plain stupid but BLM is a good idea (hence I said Idea) i don't support the movement at all simply because of they ways they 'protest'/riot and the BLM organization literally said that they were trained marxists-leninists plus the leader of the organization used $200k from the donations to spend on himself.BLM hasn't even done anything for Black Lives aswell all they have done is try to make a white saviour complex within society and try to force radical-liberalism on the USA. During some of the riots they literally said "Death to all white people." just think are you seriously ok with this?
They flourish in the Deep South? And of course they go under the radar these days because you can’t go around wearing a KKK robe into your local shopping centre or servo
I agree with what you said mostly, but crazy people are being emboldened at the moment by whatever fringe cult branding they fall into most easily believing. And it is being done by the president of the United States of America, and that is dangerous.

Not just KKK too, any nazi IMO is just branding.

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This this was in Minnesota, so not just down south either. Anyone who was brought up to think other people were not being suppressed as they were brutalized and had their property ripped from their families hands.