Cooling Unit - Interest


Well-Known Member
Alright, I was at K-Mart last night and out of pure randomness, there just happened to be a big ass stack of air conditioning units, absolutely MADE for us growers. Any grower would take a second look if they saw what I saw. 100 bucks will get you a 5,000 BTU A/C window unit (But these are made to easily snap on to just about anything with a little overhang) that has a damn built in timer & thermostat (among other things/settings) and supposedly its ultra quiet. $200 will cool you two closets :)

Now I don't know what these things usually go for but I don't think that sounded like such a bad deal. Shit if yall know where to get these things cheaper than that, you let ME know lol.


Well-Known Member
Word, a good air conditioning system is essential for keeping a grow room cool. Starting out growing isn't easy either, there's a lot of items to acquire and a lot of expensive/hard to find equipment to get ahold of as well. Picking out a cooling system isn't easy, so I hoped to help simplify this for some of you. 5,000 BTU A/C system, great for walk-in closet sized grows or smaller (I'd say) only $100. or 10,000 BTU for $200. There ya go :)

I'm picking one up this weekend!


haha... i actually saw the same thing... and then at target saw the same thing (5000 btu for about 100 bucks)


Well-Known Member
I know right, I saw them at Target to just a couple days ago... I bet u could get them anywhere really, and for around the same price. Keeping your grow room cool would be a sinch with one of these, so much so that the trouble it'd be saving you alone would be worth the investment.


Well-Known Member
I swear I need to move into a house! I saw that too but...In an a closet....cant really help someone like myself.

The one small ac unit I did see...made fro growing was like 2grand...lemme see if I can find a link...It looks great but....fuck!...$2000?

Correction...$4000....And still not sure if it even will work for an apt. grow.


Well-Known Member
God dang dude 2 grand for a window A/C unit? R U SERIOUS

Please tell me u didn't get that... All u need is to be able to cool your grow room. Right? Or in my case a grow closet. Not to make it sound simple but I mean it could be, with one of these like I mensioned... I mean they're only a hundred bucks, not no thousand. I could deck out several kick ass grow closets for 2 grand...