Covered Rooftop Tropical Zone


Well-Known Member
Looks like I'm going to have to go back to caging everything up as these little swallows like to munch on my herb more than they like the vege's and flowers that are for them to eat as much as they like. Little bastards ate 2 of smaller plants down to the stems. Still have Dr Who & SA Kwazulu budded up. Pics in a few days


Well-Known Member
I learned this thing a few years ago which I call "no expectations" and it means exactly that, absolutely no expectations. And since I practice that, I wasnt disappointed when my 3 plants were either dead as dead can be or they finished 2-3 weeks ago so were well passed the shrivel stage; need to teach the wife bit better on the watering/feeding. Ha ha glad there are a few growers around :). Till next go around


Well-Known Member
Was so hooked up last time home with training (for work) I didnt have time to spend much garden time (other than smoke sessions), but thats going to change in a few days when I'm back home. I am going to hunt down a nice loose local soil mix and get a dozen going. Relaxation starts now.