Creative Commons Seed Patent


Well-Known Member
I'd like to preemptively assualt this issue that plagues our arena and by inexplicable virtue (one of the only things that could have been good about prohibition) of cannabis prohibition status is the lack of patenting. When and where the market legitimizes itself we must protect the great herb by establishing a record of genetic development the makes the seed providors accountable for maintance and documentation of geneology under a creative commons type record that establishes Food and Seed as sacred to the development and salvation of mankind's life on this planet.

That no suicide gene may enter the mother plants.


Well-Known Member

I've had nearly all my strains a decade, or more. None were patented.

Several are my own creations, rendered from a seed stock of 40+ strains.

I really detest patenting plant genetics for any plant that can be pollinated by vagrant pollen.

Monsanto stamped out seed saving in the corn belt when they sued farmers whose field corn had been pollinated by nearby fields of patented corn varieties, and won.