Cue the Censors; Twitter, Facebook, Google all censoring 'fake news' outlets

I expected more from you.

You're on the 'it's cool for others to censor my news' train, too?

I'm on the train, that most people in the United States are not very bright and are particularly lazy. I'm on the train that social media runs their lives. I'm on the train that companies as pervasive as Twitter, Facebook and Google need to be held accountable for the information they disseminate.

You call it censorship, I call it, 'looking out for the lazy dumb fucks who don't know any better'.

Are you including yourself in that pool?
I'm on the train, that most people in the United States are not very bright and are particularly lazy. I'm on the train that social media runs their lives. I'm on the train that companies as pervasive as Twitter, Facebook and Google need to be held accountable for the information they disseminate.

You call it censorship, I call it, 'looking out for the lazy dumb fucks who don't know any better'.
And the authoritarian left shows it's face again. You guys are all about trying to control what people think and say. If you came to the internet for a 'safe space', I have bad news for you..
And the authoritarian left shows it's face again. You guys are all about trying to control what people think and say. If you came to the internet for a 'safe space', I have bad news for you..

lol. That's the best you got? Seriously? C'mon dude, try harder. I know you can do better.

Edit: If you are honestly attempting to debate my position with this fucking nonsense, don't bother. Honestly, I'm only going to get meaner the more we continue.
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lol. That's the best you got? Seriously? C'mon dude, try harder. I know you can do better.

Edit: If you are honestly attempting to debate my position with this fucking nonsense, don't bother. Honestly, I'm only going to get meaner the more we continue.
Hey, why don't you ever actually post any supporting evidence for your position?

You talk a big game but your evidence is thin, son.
I'm on the train, that most people in the United States are not very bright and are particularly lazy. I'm on the train that social media runs their lives. I'm on the train that companies as pervasive as Twitter, Facebook and Google need to be held accountable for the information they disseminate.

You call it censorship, I call it, 'looking out for the lazy dumb fucks who don't know any better'.

Are you including yourself in that pool?
How patronizing of you.
Let's not make this personal. It's a difference of opinion. Keep it there please.

I've never been sworn in like that; never had to testify in court. But I have had to sign some pretty gnarly legal statements. I'm not leaving something important out.

It still isn't censorship. You may not like that lazy people of every political stripe won't see your preferred flavor of news, but that is nothing new. Try to find a socialist voice in the wall street journal or the modern national review. It doesn't exist. Censorship? Nope. Nobody is telling them they can't cover racial inequality or reprint articles about it. They just choose to be shitheads. It's what their demographic wants ;)

When I go into news-whore mode, I'll visit up to 2 dozen alternate media sites in addition to more traditional media sites. Some I know about, others I find through recommendations on sites I do like or by following the links in aggreagators I like.

It's all there. Nothing is being censored. You just have to use a little initiative and visit the sites.

Now if you find that net neutrality has been turned off and suddenly access to non-conservative media is effectively shut down, then I will agree with you. That WOULD be a form of censorship.

But news aggregators have to make decisions on what they want to cover. If news is fake, or sites promote racially inflammatory stories of questionable accuracy, or advocate violence, then they are free to not post links to them,

Heck, I'd be happy if I never had to see a fox headline ever again, but that isn't my choice unfortunately. I don't care if you read them, just don't ask me to. If I ran a blog where I aggregated news, fox would never appear except as a focus of ridicule. Still wouldn't be censorship.
I didn't make anything personal. I'm using the standard oath to make a point.

It doesn't have to be compete eradication to be censorship.

That's like saying that only lynching is racism.
It doesn't have to be compete eradication to be censorship..
i seriously don't understand how a website like facebook getting rid of fake news hucksters is censorship. they are a business, they have a responsibility not to propagate fake news and hoaxes.

also, is rollitup censoring me by refusing to allow paid ads that are simply pictures of my penis?
i seriously don't understand how a website like facebook getting rid of fake news hucksters is censorship. they are a business, they have a responsibility not to propagate fake news and hoaxes.

also, is rollitup censoring me by refusing to allow paid ads that are simply pictures of my penis?
Show us proof. Pics or you don't have one.
i seriously don't understand how a website like facebook getting rid of fake news hucksters is censorship. they are a business, they have a responsibility not to propagate fake news and hoaxes.

also, is rollitup censoring me by refusing to allow paid ads that are simply pictures of my penis?
So who gets to decide what's a 'huckster' and what's a legitimate alternative point of view?

No potential for abuse there!
Eh no it doesn't, it shrinks if washed and dried but not by moisture alone. It's actually more likely to stretch when wet.

Retarded Sanders people strike again.

Eh, yes.. the glove was dry when he dramatically tried to put it on. If you put it on while wet is how it stretches however if it won't fit and those stupid jurors..did acquit!

citation: myself..plenty of shoes ruined due to walking while working in the rain.