Custom Cabinet w/ 250w CFL


Well-Known Member
white chocolate chip cookie! its magical! we can agree to disagree because each grow is diffrent. you will see my result come tomorrow maybe tonight and yah every just have a dam cookie!


Well-Known Member
so dopewear... your plant had a uh . . . axe..cidient?? :3 lol couldn't resist. v12 speak more of Lucas formula, i've heard that phrase too many times without knowing what it is. oh and!! what makes you happy for node spacing before LST, like 1" or 2" what's ideal spacing between nodes before you would LST. i've decided i'm going to LST both my girls. maximize the tops.



Well-Known Member
yah i think ill raise the lights to space the nodes i think it should work well and yes shack i had an axe-cident! yours so funny lol pics tomorrow


Well-Known Member
This weekend will mark 2 weeks. They get watered every send day no nutrients yet might wait till week 3 to start feeding them seeing those feeder leafs are still hanging in there and havent died off yet.
as you can see from the set up pictures i put chain on the top of my hood so i can raise and lower my light.

im also convinced these high watt cfl's kick some serious ass!


Pic 1-2: Just the cabinet/setup fully finished.

Pic 3: Pic of the 3 beautiful girls and the 1 ugly duckling.

Pic 4-5-6: Here are my beautiful girls very short probly 4-5 inches tall if that with 5-6 nodes. raised the light a good amount to space out the nodes hopefully itll work to make LST'ing easier.

Pic 7-8: Heres the girl that took the biggest hit during the axe-cident. all i have to say is that she was doing better then the other 3, but if you look close there is hope but ill probly toss her anyways. the first node there has fresh branches coming out so maybe i can do some sort of topping or something with it? i dont know what do you think?

Pic 9: and heres my cute little mutant this little one came from the same seed as the bigger one and yah ill just leave it be.



Well-Known Member

Looks awesome DW ! Nice work so far.

So, you like those 200w bulbs huh ? glad to hear it !
thanks RP. and yes i love those 250w cfls! @ 8 inches away i still have super tight node growth! its wonderful lol



Active Member
thanks RP. and yes i love those 250w cfls! @ 8 inches away i still have super tight node growth! its wonderful lol

250w, right ! :dunce: Sorry man, memory aint up to par !

Anyway, some of those are seriously healthy looking. Hopefully the axed ones will jump back in a few.


Well-Known Member
This weekend will mark 2 weeks. They get watered every send day no nutrients yet might wait till week 3 to start feeding them seeing those feeder leafs are still hanging in there and havent died off yet.
as you can see from the set up pictures i put chain on the top of my hood so i can raise and lower my light.

im also convinced these high watt cfl's kick some serious ass!


Pic 1-2: Just the cabinet/setup fully finished.

Pic 3: Pic of the 3 beautiful girls and the 1 ugly duckling.

Pic 4-5-6: Here are my beautiful girls very short probly 4-5 inches tall if that with 5-6 nodes. raised the light a good amount to space out the nodes hopefully itll work to make LST'ing easier.

Pic 7-8: Heres the girl that took the biggest hit during the axe-cident. all i have to say is that she was doing better then the other 3, but if you look close there is hope but ill probly toss her anyways. the first node there has fresh branches coming out so maybe i can do some sort of topping or something with it? i dont know what do you think?

Pic 9: and heres my cute little mutant this little one came from the same seed as the bigger one and yah ill just leave it be.

D-Dub you lying piece of $#!%! :fire: just playing bro.. i'm referencing our competition. 4 plants w/250W vs my 2 plants w/125W you snuck an extra little kid in there in Pic 9... that's right i saw it. YOU CHEATER!

Few questions for you, correct me if I'm wrong, you went with a soil mix from your grow shop, right? If not what soil did you use? Last question, have you found a soil feeding schedule for FloraNova? I have yet to find anything about what rate to add it per gallon. Whatever info you got, let me have it!

You're giving me hope though, I was wanting to keep my light pretty much stationary in my tent and not have to fuss with raising and lowering the shelf, just raise the plants to the light. after seeing that compact growth with the light nearly a foot away?! AWESOME!! I'm also happy to see you haven't had to add in any supplemental 13-23-42W spiral bulbs, i was wondering if i was going to need some in the early seedling stage. Looks like i might not, based on your results!

Also a little tip (you may have already thought of) I noticed they are all growing towards each other in the center. You might want to consider giving them a quarter turn every day, just whenever you go in to feed them. This will help distribute the light evenly and encourage them to grow up straight and tall. With all that straight upward growth, it might also encourage a little stretch between those nodes. THEN! After LST and you've started flowering, it will make sure you get even light distribution to all your buds.

LOOKS AWESOME!! Thanks for the eye candy.



Well-Known Member
D-Dub you lying piece of $#!%! :fire: just playing bro.. i'm referencing our competition. 4 plants w/250W vs my 2 plants w/125W you snuck an extra little kid in there in Pic 9... that's right i saw it. YOU CHEATER!

Few questions for you, correct me if I'm wrong, you went with a soil mix from your grow shop, right? If not what soil did you use? Last question, have you found a soil feeding schedule for FloraNova? I have yet to find anything about what rate to add it per gallon. Whatever info you got, let me have it!

You're giving me hope though, I was wanting to keep my light pretty much stationary in my tent and not have to fuss with raising and lowering the shelf, just raise the plants to the light. after seeing that compact growth with the light nearly a foot away?! AWESOME!! I'm also happy to see you haven't had to add in any supplemental 13-23-42W spiral bulbs, i was wondering if i was going to need some in the early seedling stage. Looks like i might not, based on your results!

Also a little tip (you may have already thought of) I noticed they are all growing towards each other in the center. You might want to consider giving them a quarter turn every day, just whenever you go in to feed them. This will help distribute the light evenly and encourage them to grow up straight and tall. With all that straight upward growth, it might also encourage a little stretch between those nodes. THEN! After LST and you've started flowering, it will make sure you get even light distribution to all your buds.

LOOKS AWESOME!! Thanks for the eye candy.


shacky my boy you know id never cheat you! that little guy will replace that LA Women that ate shit! hahaha and yah this 250w bulb is kick serious ass even at a foot away i sure i wont need to at any other light for veg or for flower aslong as i can keep a nice even canopy. as for the feeding on the floranova im just going by what they have on their bottles which seems pretty clear and makes sense. if youd like ill type it all out :) as for them all looking like they are growing to the center thats only because i planted then in like a corner of there pots they are growing straight up i just put them to one side for more LST rooms :)


Well-Known Member
clever! i didn't think about planting to the side of the pot! nice. i was under the impression the bottle directions were for hydro systems. i'll take your word for it!



Well-Known Member
clever! i didn't think about planting to the side of the pot! nice. i was under the impression the bottle directions were for hydro systems. i'll take your word for it!

i like to have my moments of brilliance! XD yah the way i see it in my head it should make LSTing easier and more effective. and the guy at my shop said the schedule on the bottle works for soil aswell. maybe im wrong we need to get V12 in here he uses the same nutes maybe he can give some insight. and you asked about the soil early yes i got it from a local hydro shop its called dutch treat im very happy with it so far.


Well-Known Member
i just updated a post above because i remembered you asked its called dutch treat got it from my local hydro shop im very happy with it so far