Custom Strains.


Active Member
The main cause of this topic is to receive information from elite cultivators who have a great deal of experience with creating their own/person Marijuana Strain. I had a thread like this years ago back on Overgrown forums but unfortunately, around that time, Growers weren't trying to help anyone but themselves out.

To start this topic off, my question to those of you who're experienced with making their own custom/personal strain of marijuana is: How do you really go about doing this?

I've heard of a technique called grafting.

Grafting is the unification of a stem clipping of one plant onto the rootstock of a different plant. This is often done to produce a hardier or more disease resistant plant
I'm not too sure if Marijuana growers use this technique, but many people dished me the idea and have claimed that it does work but have never showed me any evidence of such.

I only ask this because I'm trying to create my own Custom Strain. I feel its about time I do so now since I've reached the stage of an intermediate grower. The strains I want to grow is "Peach" and "Raspberry." I've smoked blueberry, strawberry kiwi, and mango, but never have I smoked or even heard of Peach and or Raspberry.

Can someone toss some tips my way, and for others who wish to do the same can note what you've conveyed?


Active Member
I've researched a lot here, but none really detailing what I'm truly looking for. Nothing in there explains how they got their bud to taste like a certain fruit— the process behind it. Unless I misread. and if in that case, point out the section. Which I didn't, I actually went through the paragraphs and none detailed this process. Of course, they said some shit was obviously too complicate to word, and that might be why I didn't get my answer, but I doubt that's it. Anything can be phrased.


Active Member
Ok, how about theories? I know someone knows something. There are too many good growers on this forum for someone not to know anything.


Active Member
you need to grab a sourbubble father and cross it with a purple kush mother and then take a female from that new strain and cross it with a white rhinoXmakado..that most likely will put you in the peach range..

im testing some new fruit strains. waiting for results.


Active Member
Those are the types of hints/tips im looking for. Thanks BlackCat310. See, I would have never thought about breeding those strains to get that flavor because honestly, I haven't tasted some of those strains you've named except for White Rhino and Purple Kush. But I will note those strains, grow them and taste them one of these days.