D/T on Wed afternoon


Active Member
so as of now, i stopped smoking since saturday morning.
I calculated that by the time i have the meeting, it will be 100 hours of not smoking.

I'm 6'2", and i used to be 200 pounds for the last couple years.
However, the last week or so, my stomach hasn't been hungry at all.
I went to the gym last night to run a little (my lungs are weak), and weighed myself. I'm now 176. Just wanted to note this. (Is this good for reducing thc levels in my body, or bad?)

I've still been stressing about this situation a lot. I will do whatever it takes to pass this test. i'm worried about bringing fake pee in case they search me.

This is an assessment meeting that I have to go through in order to reduce my alcohol driving case. As of now it's a reckless driving charge but will be lowered to a careless driving charge if i meet all of the requirements.
May 14, is my final meeting, and if i pass everything, it will be a careless charge.

Please help me with this. My assessment is this Wed afternoon. I have to bring $75 in cash, so that makes me think that i have to take a D/T. It is still yet to be determined, but probable. Also, i have a meeting with the non-supervising probation officer the next tuesday, do you think that the PO will test me? She said to me at my first meeting, "well, it doesn't look like you have any problems with alcohol or drugs. marijuana never came up once.


Active Member
I stopped smokin the day before a test once. I litereally drank a large case of water all day. I pissed nothing but straight water, with no color to it. You need to flush your system with water, a few niacin pills will help. If I can accomplish this in a day om sure you'll be fine. Drink a lot of water, but be careful you can die from water intoxication. Otherwise cranberry juice is good or a you can buy a special drink at cvs to clear your system.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
better safe then sorry

but just for future referance heres some advice

drink a shit load before the test, so your piss is diluted(clear)[cranberry juice/gatorade/water]. Now a normal testing place wont accept diluted piss because your thc level is reduced. So hes the trick you go to cvs and buy those flinstone vitamins, or something that contains B2, this will color your piss and make it yellow again so you get the green light. This should help you pass.