Dads MiteBuster help...


Active Member
So I have used a product called Dads MiteBuster and Have noticed a curl to my leaves. It doesnt seem like it affects the plants at all other then the curl. has anyone had this happen using this or any other Mite spray?? I just want to make sure its not doing any real harm to the plant. If anyone has experience with this kinda shit please respond thanks guys!!2012-06-16 09.29.05.jpg2012-06-16 09.30.07.jpg2012-06-16 09.28.26.jpg


Active Member
looks like cupping or taco shelling. your fine, its a reaction to an abundance of intense light.
The weather here has been crazy cold for three days then hot as fuck for a week then cold its fuckin my shit up!!! lol... thx for the response.