Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Never hurts to try and hell you're in the south, you should like em. :wink:
haha talk about a stereotype ;) lol but yeah..I've had some that were ok, I think I'd rather cook them myself though. Season them with some pork ribs :)
These are so much better than papa johns.. I eat these things like candy.. Hell, it is my candy, sweet hurt my teeth. I'll go though a jar in a couple days.. :lol:
I use to buy them a long time ago. I can start back eating peppers a month from now. At least they say I should be able to. ;) hey nothing wrong with that!
Nice lean meats have a good source of protein. Meat that doesn't have the lines in it.. Its more expensive cause of the less fat content, but it pays off in the end with muscle building and energy.. Potassium would be good as well.
oh yeah, I have to have my potassium or I'm miserable. I've always been on the low end for some reason. I need bananas!! your a genius!!
I make sure to eat meat everyday for damn sure. I can only tolerate hamburger, chicken and pork. Tried to eat a little piece of sis's steak tonight and got pains afterwards. No more of that! lol
You're welcome..

I just know how awful it is to be going though it.. I've been there so many times and needed to find a solution and that has worked for me every time. Good luck, I hope it benefits you like it does me.
Thanks bro, seriously ;) I will let you know how it goes if you want. I can't believe you get this! :) so nice to talk to someone who does.
Dude, I would love to live out in the boondocks. That is my kind of place, no neighbors, quiet.. Gonna have to get some info on that rent to own.. We have been skeptical about doing that.
I'm 15 minutes from the heart of the city, but on 4 acres and a dead end road! Been trying to get my landlord to do rent to own cause they're ancient and I don't want to lose the place! They said they couldn't, but dropped my rent $100 and give me a Jubilee (Old Testament clearance of debt) every May. At this point it's cheaper than a mortgage could be!
I took a cut off the Power Pie & she rooted in a 3 day time frame. :)
Is that pretty much standard rooting time for dwc? I think I'll consider that for cloning as well next time if so!
It's insane that your gens are being copied already.
I think I finally found a keeper for my "Kamehameha Kush" I've been working on. Took me 12 beans to find tight nodes! You guys think a 4 blade leaf is a sign of weakness and that she might herm?
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