Dealing with the police?!


Well-Known Member
So about a week ago the head of our homeowners association decides that while handing out flyers he wants to just walk right into my garage. By doing so he saw my huge poly wall that seperates 1/4 of my garage from everything else and immediately asked if we were growing weed. I did my best to play stupid but it's pretty damn obvious. So last night the long awaited visit from the riverside PD happened at 2 in the morning. I get woken up by my girlfriend at 2 in the morning to "the cops are here and asking for you." Luckily the officer got to see my reason for using MMJ first hand because I had a massive anxiety attack. Well it turns out that he's one of the few good police officers out there that respects the mmj laws and aside from trying to spit out some bogus "new laws about cultivating even if you have your medical rec" stuff that a friend of mine that was here quickly corrected with the fact that by state law we are legally entitled to 12 immature or 6 mature per patient in the house no matter what. He told us that everything was fine and that we might need to be a little more low key because even though he's reporting that everything is fine...if they keep getting calls they will have to come back out and they might bring code enforcement along. My electrical is all decently done but probably not entirely up to code.

So...should i be super paranoid that the cops are going to keep coming and that next time I might not be so lucky....or do you think I should be good? I'm already looking for a new house...fuck this neighborhood and the people that live in it. The problem is I don't know if the guy that saw the plastic called the cops or if my landlord did...because the cop said it was possibly a landlord that called but i automatically assumed it was just the dude down the street. You think my landlord would have called AS SOON as he heard what was possibly going down in the house.


Well-Known Member
If you don't have one already speak with a lawyer about the possibilities, only a legal professional should be offering advice here.

from my personal opinion since you are all inside your limits as long as there is no growing clause in your lease I would not be worried


Well-Known Member
imo since they waited till 2 am your landlord probably called it in earlier and they wanted to catch you off guard if you were bigger in case you would do something violent or stupid or they did it because it was so low priority it took till then


Well-Known Member
when he knocked on the garage apparently he said "its the police dont run". I'm sure they were just checking to make sure we werent sketchy as shit. Mad that they only checked my guests medical cards and never asked for ours. Why they always gotta single out the two black guys.


Well-Known Member
WOW! that sux!!!!!!!! that county is pretty cool about it and they dont realy trip on small legal grows. I wouldnt worry about the cops as much as I would the landloard finding out. Thats why you always keep your grow room closed up from the outside world. But as far as cop trouble, sleep easy they have real crimes to look into.


King Tut
My landlords know that i'm a rec holder and grew outdoors last year with their "silent permission". Got ripped (and outdoor grow laws have changed here) so i concentrated indoors, which i don't know if they know about. i'm just trying to keep them from wanting to do a walk-through :?


Well-Known Member
I had my share of police visits and I'm expecting more this year. I would take them at their word and if you keep things cool & legit they won't have a problem with you. A neighbor here and there calling about you growing pot isn't a big deal, but when they start complaining about an increase in traffic then they'll put some pressure on you.

I'm guessing the officer wrote a one page memo with what he found and with what you have all said that other officers will read before driving out to your place. Stay in line with the law and you'll be fine. Anything you think might not be up to code, fix it. Especially if the police casually pointed it out. Its been a good year since my last visit and so far I haven't had a single problem when growing under six plants.

How many plants you figure the officer seen?


Well-Known Member
i would not worry about it...they came at 2 am because they like to surprise people and ruin their night....i would move though...sounds like neighbors are nosy snitches..time 2 go


Well-Known Member
Yeah it turns out it was my landlord that actually called the police. Turns out all the neighbors had been complaining about us seeming shady and about plastic on a window and so on and so forth. The cops called him after they left and told him that we were in fact growing but we were mmj patients and that we were doing so legally. He told us its fine if we continue...but let me know everything the neighbors said. Turns out that apparently i tried to give some kids that were fundraising a joint (i dont smoke joints). Crazy the shit people will make up when they are scared of the big mean pot head. The cop straight up told us last night the last thing they are worried about is people growing pot...they are having to much fun chasing down the meth heads and busting meth labs.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I am just really old school, but I would never dream of letting anyone know about my grow. If a cop came to my place I would have everything down that day and have my house listed that week. I had a friend once stumble on my grow. I took it all down that week, invited him over multiple times over the next couple of months and showed him that I don't grow anymore. Once he believed me, I restarted but in another bedroom. I moved soon after that.

I started growing and did all my "serious" growing pre-96, so my attitude towards security has always been Fight Club. (1st rule about grow club... you don't fucking talk about grow club!)

I look on with envy at people who post their grows, because I would like to as well. I just can't sleep at night knowing my security has been compromised.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it would be one thing if I had some illegal ass 20K watt grow...i'd never post. But im within my limits...and i doubt the local pd is on RIU looking for people that are compliant with the local laws.

But yeah I didn't want anyone to see my shit...but people here happen to really be nosy.


Well-Known Member
nosy is no good...time to move man...find a place outside of the city with a big lot and neighbors mind their own damn business


Well-Known Member
Get a gun, take it out on the front porch and just give it a good cleaning, for some reason that calms em down.
Or just try to be nice to them wave hello and smile knowing their mad and can't do a thing about it, remember you
have the law on your side too! If the land lord is cool thank him he's probably more worried over you overloading a circuit and burning down HIS house.