Dear Subcool, we named a non-profit organization after your work


Well-Known Member
So yea, I really want to get this off the ground. Anyone who's interested in helping out let me know.
Trying to find a web designer at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Hey there, I don't know if you're down with dubstep/trip hop, but a group that I'm with, elephant, does this kind of music. We all play instruments and jam for fun, but the main focus of this group is electronic. If you want to check us out on facebook here's the link: We also do house songs as a joke (the song bitch you nasty is an example, I highly recomend listening to it), I'm also writing a rap about the monopoly man at the moment which should be finished soon. We're trying to play shows outside of the bay area. I really like your bio/mission statement, and I'm down to help spread the gift of music to the world. Sorry if the grammar/diction is crappy, I'm a little hammered.


Well-Known Member
Yep, we're open to any kind of music. We've trying to get people together for a cover of Frou Frou lately.
We were just talkin about dubstep the other day. Still trying to figure out how to play dubstep on drums lol, it's kinda slow and boring, but then I haven't listened to much dubstep. DnB is more my cup of tea.

Our vocalist is an electronic music nerd that attended SAE and produces.
Our guitarist has been in a couple bands and has a lot of jamming experience.
I grew up on hiphop/triphop but converted to progressive rock somewhere around 2004. I listen to a bunch of stuff. Psy-trance like Infected Mushroom for instance.
All our songs are straight freestyles, done on the spot. Our naming convention is arbitrary (first thing that comes to mind lol). But we'll go back and re-work the ones we really like and draw ideas from others.
I'm sharing them so people can follow along with our process.

Thanks for sharing bro i'll definitely check them out.

Here's an example of a DnB we tried to do, starts somewhere after 1 min.



Well-Known Member
Damn, you guys have some raw fucking jams. I'll try to record some of us jamming together by tomorrow.
I really like your style and approach to jamming, reminds me a lot of my own. Keep up the awesome work!


Well-Known Member
Anyone in a band and willing to donate some songs? I've got an idea on how to keep the homeless fed. I'm gonna order about 1,000 USB drives, put 100+ songs on each of them, and give like 10-20 to each homeless person to sell for however much they want. They can keep the money they earn.
Eventually i'll need some way of recovering costs from these homeless people ($1 per usb), so that I can continue doing this.
I'll have to setup a drop box or office in the future.

I'm also going to have some crazy artwork/brochure for them to hand-out along with the USB's, that way it'll be advertising for the band members and the organization, and also to make the product more appealing to passerby's.


Active Member
Anyone in a band and willing to donate some songs? I've got an idea on how to keep the homeless fed. I'm gonna order about 1,000 USB drives, put 100+ songs on each of them, and give like 10-20 to each homeless person to sell for however much they want. They can keep the money they earn.
Eventually i'll need some way of recovering costs from these homeless people ($1 per usb), so that I can continue doing this.
I'll have to setup a drop box or office in the future.

I'm also going to have some crazy artwork/brochure for them to hand-out along with the USB's, that way it'll be advertising for the band members and the organization, and also to make the product more appealing to passerby's.

that girl in your avatar looks like paul wall lol


Well-Known Member
Sup guys, what happened to all the promised jams?

Our latest:

