Delighted to be a new grower


Hello All,

My first visit to roll it up, for sure I am a newbie.
My name is Sheryle and I am delighted to be a new grower as well. All is well with my babies two different strains, I started them in early May living in the northeast the grow season is short.
My question today is in regards to mold. I have heard but not experienced that mold can happen quickly and be devastating! So please tell what would I look for and where on the plant?
Is it like mold that grows on roses or phlox?
I have experience mold on my phlox before, generally it's on the leaves and not the flower.
I would like to be prepared as to what it looks like and what to do to correct the situation if in fact it does occur.
These girls of mine are about two weeks into flowering like I said first time grower and it's all new to me. Any and all info would be most appreciated.
Thanks so much Love and light to all

ganja girl

New Member
Welcome Sherlye! I'm in my first grow, but have been into horticulture for quite sometime. I run my fans non-stop and have not had a mold problem, thank goodness. GG


Well-Known Member
Hi Sheryle

The biggest mold problem you may have will be caused by Humidity, Too high humidity and it can strike.

Powdery mildew starts as white looking dust on your leaves but it can spread to your buds.

A bud that has mold is not worth smoking as it could harm you.

Bud mold can look various different colours. The biggest thing to see would be decay of the bud itself. Bud mold can strike on the plant or during the curing process so you must be vigilant about both times.


Bud Stankalot

Active Member
Mold on buds is easily recognizable. The bud will turn brown or grey in the area effected by the mold. If left alone, it will consume the whole bud and eventually turn it into dust. If you experience mold on your bud, cut off the section that is exhibiting problems immediately.

Happy Growing!!


Thanks so much ,... okay so just today when all has been well with my garden today I noticed that the smallest w/w has some leaves that are yellowing just on the margins and also the tip of those leaves are curling upwards. YIKES!!!whats up maybe too much feed. I use a produced called ferti-lome 9-59-8 got it at the garden center. This is an outdoor grow in early flowering stage. I did flush with just plain h20 today after I found the problem I have some pics to share if needed Thanks


outdoor, no mold yet just been told to be on the look out ,... on another note today just this afternoon on the smallest ww I found what looks like yellowing along the leaf margins and also the same leafs with the yellowing are curling up at the tips. YIKES!!!! help! I use a feed that's called ferti-lome the #'s are 9 59 8 I feel maybe she's been over feed so I flushed her well any advice??? I'm surprised at how concerned I feel for her. she's the baby in her early flowering stage. Thanks for listening


Hi there it's an outdoor grow with yes I believe an outdoor strain white widow. No mold yet just been told to be on the look out. BUT today this afternoon I found on the smallest of the ww some leafs that have yellowing on the margins and the tips of thoses leaves are curling up. YIKES!!! help!!!I think maybe I have overfeed her?? I use a produce called ferti-lome the #'s are
9 59 8 so today I flushed her well a few times any info Please I'm really worried about her,... she's the smallest but has the most flowering at this time. Thanks