Did anyone hear Pakistan threatening us in a speech?


Well-Known Member
I heard some Paki making a speech and it sounded a lot like a threat and then all the commentators on the news seemed to ignore the fact they threatened us. He gave the speech in English for us to, so it wasn't a translation issue. Why did we just ignore the threat?


Well-Known Member
WWIII seems inevitable, infact I believe we are in it already.
The US will paint itself into a corner economicly.
China will buy up as much of the worlds valuable resources. (as they are already doing)
Iraq war: secure oil and move bases out of Saudi Arabia. (Saudis didn't like foriegn troops on their holy lands)
Afganistan: secure 1.5 trillion in lithium (Or denigh it to China)
Lybia: Secure the oil for Europe (Also Lybia has more gold reserves then the US, we'll be needing that)

Meanwhile China makes noises about not buying our debt.
Soon probably around 2013 (After Obama is re-elected) we will have the inevitable dollar collapse.
China and the rest of the world will start dumping our treasury notes.
We will have no industry to speak of and few natural resources. (That arn't already owned by someone else)
We will be in the same position that we placed Japan in prior to WWII. (Few resources and a need for oil and heavy industry)
I think China/Russia/India/Brazil will delight in teaching the US a hard lesson of turnabout is fair play.

This puts the US in a position of still having the worlds most powerful military.
But no economy to pay for it.
You will get a use it or loss it mentality.

We will be the aggressers this time, and we will have to win it within six months.
IMO the only logical course of action for the US is a strategic nuclear first strike.
We get to Pearl Harbor them!
Or give up ever manufacturing high tech electronics or pretty much anything else in the US again.


Well-Known Member
Pakistan threatens the US all the time... If we invaded all of the countries that threaten us we would have to take over most of the world (not saying this isn't a good idea just pointing it out).

Do keep in mind that Pakistan has nukes. No classy way of delivering them over here but they have them all the same.

Do you remember when North Korea said it was going to nuke Hawaii several months ago? Silly threats are silly threats. When small kids threaten to have their daddies beat me up I generally ignore them.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I think we might as well roll through pakistan while were over their.
We would lose that war, badly.

Not only do they have similar guerrilla fighting capabilities as Afghanistan, but they are also a very legitimate military power. We would outnumbered by a lot. Even a bombing campaign would be difficult since we would be fighting against US military hardware. And then there is always the potential for escalation to a nuclear event.

Even if we brought back the draft we would lose a war against Pakistan if it was on their own soil. Pakistan is a much bigger country than people think and it's been preparing for war against India for 60 years. We could probably achieve air superiority after heavy losses but we would get destroyed if we put troops on the ground.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Pakistan threatens the US all the time... If we invaded all of the countries that threaten us we would have to take over most of the world (not saying this isn't a good idea just pointing it out).

Do keep in mind that Pakistan has nukes. No classy way of delivering them over here but they have them all the same.

Do you remember when North Korea said it was going to nuke Hawaii several months ago? Silly threats are silly threats. When small kids threaten to have their daddies beat me up I generally ignore them.
The Pakistan civilian government has to threaten us from time to time if they want to stay in power. If they didn't, they'd face open revolts.

The political equivalent in the US is politicians talking about illegal immigration. Every president since Reagan talks tough about it, but all they ever really do is make it easier for them to get here so we have a cheap labor force.

Same thing with Pakistani politicians. They must thumb their noses at the great satan every few years to keep their poll numbers up, but it doesn't mean anything.