Did my super crop kill these :(


Active Member
They're fine. Ive literally snapped a stem so bad it was hanging on by a few fibers on the outside. Get some tape, tape it together while the 2 ends are pressed together whenever you break it from now on (if the ends haven't dried up and sealed off you can do it to tuis one too.) Whereever the break is. Then find a way to keep it elevated(tie ot up, a post, whatever) give it a week or so, and it will be good as new. From now on, don't take the easy route like I do, by bending, then pushing further, then bending it over so it breaks. Crush it with your fingers first a little by pinching it. Then bend it to one side. That will keep the outside from breaking, and keep you in business better.


Active Member
You need to make sure thr break is pushed together. If it's not, then all you're doing is putting a piece of tape around 2 detached pieces that arent touching. Thus defeating the purpuse of it in the first place. Mine looked a littlw better or just about the same, and eventually came back.


Active Member
No it's not lol. I broke one off and taped it back. It worked. My downfall was when I tried to take the tape off 3 days later, it wasn't fully healed and I resnapped it off. Then I said fuck it lulz.


Active Member
Ya man,,, i know the MJ plant is very strong and resilient but i got pisssed and threw away the tops that broke.... hopING THAT the rest of my plant being affected , since I know now that they are ladies...