Difference in seed bank quality


Active Member
I'm just curious if there is much quality difference from buying seeds from a site like marijuana-seeds.nl vs a breeder like sensi star. I was looking at northern lights and from marijuana-seeds it is under $30 for 10 seeds, from sensi (and other breeders) it is over $130. Honestly basically anything home grown is going to be better than what I get (even though it is $50 1/8 and pretty dank) so is the extra $100 really going to make a difference?


Well-Known Member
yes and no.
When you pay h$1000 For some weed seeds
You are not going to get your moneys worth.
But some discount breeders are shite, there are a few that have been around and are trustworthy with good genetics (nirvana, kc brains). Its always a good idea to search for smoke\grow reports of a specific breeders strain before ordering them, pretty much google it and you'll get some info anyhow.
While i can attest that paying for good genetics can be worth it

Greenhouse's cheese 6 weeks into flower.

Even bagseed will give you some winners if you take good enough care and find some friendly phenos

In my opinion, the grower makes as much difference as the genetics.
Aaaaaaand on top of that, you can make or break a harvest just based on how you dry and cure your bud. So be patient and you shall rewarded.


Active Member
Thanks for the information man. Right now I'm leaning towards using marijuana-seeds.nl and buying 40 seeds for around $150 seems cheap but unless I find another seed bank with reasonable prices (willing to pay a little more for less seeds) and great quality I think I'll take my "risk" on marijuana-seeds


Well-Known Member
As well, just because two breeders have strains of the same or similiar names it does not mean the two strains will grow, taste/smell, or give the same effect. Sometimes that's OK, you're still getting good genetics just not what you thought you ordered. Sometimes you don't get what you think you're getting and may wish you didn't get the seeds at all.

The requisite example of a good difference is Bubblegum. The origional genetics came from America to Europe and the breeders from TH and Serious Seeds got some seeds and inbreed the plants only. TH developed the indica pheno with a euphoric stone, and Serious the sativa pheno with a euphoric high. Both great, both from the same genetics, but different effects.

On the bad side you could buy from a company like Nirvana, who make cheap knock offs and slap a similiar name to a Cup winner. A good example is Serious Seeds AK47, CC winner, one hit rocket high --- vs --- Nirvana AK48: an indica stone. Bad but not horrible because you still may get decent genetics, just not the effect you want.

On the horrible end you could buy from an F2 seed producer who sells unstable cheaply produced seeds. Seeds you could make yourself if you run only one strain and leave the males in your flower room. Plants from these seeds can hermie for no reason, not ripen or finish, unmanagable stretch, low potency ... These are seeds that you'd have been better off paying for and not receiving than putting them in your garden.

So ... go to the Seedbank and Strain review section and pick good breeders you can trust. You can get a single White Widow feminized seed by Green House Seeds for $10.41 CAD at the Pick 'n Mix, take lots of clones and have a garden full of great plants. Great genetics are so cheap there's no reason to buy anything but the best seeds your first time out.




Well-Known Member
sure, 40 for 150 is a good deal. those seedsman beans i linked are only $27 for 10, so you could get 50 for $135. i dont think marijuana.nl is a risk, i think alot of people have ordered from them successfully.


Active Member
STEELHEAD™;2122053 said:
sure, 40 for 150 is a good deal. those seedsman beans i linked are only $27 for 10, so you could get 50 for $135. i dont think marijuana.nl is a risk, i think alot of people have ordered from them successfully.
It's not that I think I won't get the seeds it is just I'm thinking the genetics won't be the greatest.


Active Member
So ... go to the Seedbank and Strain review section and pick good breeders you can trust. You can get a single White Widow feminized seed by Green House Seeds for $10.41 CAD at the Pick 'n Mix, take lots of clones and have a garden full of great plants. Great genetics are so cheap there's no reason to buy anything but the best seeds your first time out.
Never thought of this, probably could buy 1 femmed seed of 5 or so different strains (and hope they all germinate and sprout.) Then get 2-3 seeds of the strains I want to make sure I have one of like white widow, trainwreck, etc.

I live in a colder climate (lat 44) will I have enough time to grow the plants out until I can clone them, then have the clones I made still finish in time without starting the mother inside/before April 30th?


Well-Known Member
"probably could buy 1 femmed seed of 5 or so different strains"

This is what I did my last couple of orders, great way to try different strains.

"(and hope they all germinate and sprout.)"

Pick 'n Mix and Attitude are good seed banks, PeakBC and Dr Greenthumb are good breeders, I've germed 100% of the seeds I've gotten from them.

"Then get 2-3 seeds of the strains I want to make sure I have one of like white widow, trainwreck, etc. "


"I live in a colder climate (lat 44)"

Take a look at Texada Timewarp (PeakBC's version if they have it), British Columbia, Canada indoor/outdoor strain.

"will I have enough time to grow the plants out until I can clone them then have the clones I made still finish in time without starting the mother inside/before April 30th?""

1 week to germ (probably 3 days), 3-4 weeks veg until time for first cutting, 1 week to root, 2-4 weeks veg rooted clone to put it out doors. Next set of clones will be 2 weeks after the first cut. Or there abouts. Anyone got a better time line?

These are the four seed banks / breeders that I've had luck with.


This is a great site:





Active Member
eh, Just figured out pick n mix seeds don't ship to the US (or do they?) any other pick n mix seed companies beside cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk?

Brick Top

New Member
I'm just curious if there is much quality difference from buying seeds from a site like marijuana-seeds.nl vs a breeder like sensi star. I was looking at northern lights and from marijuana-seeds it is under $30 for 10 seeds, from sensi (and other breeders) it is over $130. Honestly basically anything home grown is going to be better than what I get (even though it is $50 1/8 and pretty dank) so is the extra $100 really going to make a difference?

The old saying that you get what you pay for is partially true but only partially true when it comes to seeds.

In some cases you pay more for beans that come from a big name breeder when they are not really worth much if any more than what other breeders with less well known names.

Once a breeder gets a big name, especially if they win a Cannabis Cup or other major award, their prices jump way up even for their older lines of beans. A few years back my favorite breeder was Reeferman and then he won a few awards and over night all his prices shot way up, some doubled or more and I am talking about strains that he had already been selling for years and not just his award winners and or new strains. That is when I stopped buying from Reeferman because I was not going to pay $75.00 or more for something I used to get the exact same genetics from for around $35.00 or $40.00.

What I tend to do is look for past Cup and award winners that are just not in vogue now, that are not the flavor of the month, that are not the hot ticket of the day. Because they are not in such demand the tend to sell for less but they are high quality genetics so to me they are a value.

One thing that many people do not stop to think about and then realize and accept is that Cup and award winning beans are much like movies in that every year Cups and awards are given out like Oscars but it does not mean this years winners are better than last years winners and might not be as good as last years winners or even the winners from the year before that. There always has to be a winner and it is not based on who or what won last year and only compared to other contestants of the current year.

Sometimes plants will be reentered and win multiple times but again that is not a case of them having improved from the year before but only that no one entered anything new that could beat them.

To many people fall for the latest big name strain’s marketing and believe it just HAS to be better than anything that proceeded it when there are cases of plants that came in second or even third one year may have won the following year or the year after that if they had been reentered because the competition was not as stiff in following years.

Myself I tend to look for past Cup and award winning strains from quality breeders who now have them priced lower, not dirt cheap but at least reasonable, because they are not as sought after as they were when they won so they will not bring a premium price any longer. You can buy a Cup winner or one that placed second or third or won other awards back in 1999 or 2002 or 2004 and not pay an arm and a leg and still get really great pot from them and in some cases, depending on your likes or dislikes, end up with something better than the top of the charts flavor of the month today.

A couple examples could be Nevilles Haze or Western Winds if someone is a sativa lover. Both are old strains but both won awards when they came out and buying them from a quality breeder will still get you great genetics but you will only have to pay around $50.00 or $55.00 for them instead of $100.00 or $200.00 or more for today’s hot lick strain that you may not like as much if you are a major sativa lover.

I am a sativa lover and I have known other sativa lovers who will go for some Cup or award winner that has a fairly high or very high percentage of indica in it just because it won some award or awards and pay through the nose and not end up with the high they love the most but for some reason they think that is what they should do, to buy what is hot right now.

I always say if you want a value think about what you like the best, a sativa high or an indica buzz and then look through the strains of quality breeders for past Cup and or award winners that because they are not the new kid on the block their prices are reasonable and buy them. They will be a very good value for your dollar and very likely a better value for your dollar then paying top dollar for a strain/hybrid that may not really be the high or buzz that you love the most but sure does have a great sounding description to it and a recently won Cup or award to use to say this is the stuff you should want the most.

As for where you said anything home grown will be better than anything else you get, assuming you mean from a dealer, well there is only so much validity to that.

If you purchase cheap low grade genetics no matter what you do while growing it you cannot improve its genetics and genetics are where its at baby. You cannot make chicken salad out of chicken shit no matter how much mayonnaise you add.

As for what you buy, well that depends on the grower and some are fantastic and can grow something better than you will be able to even if you both use the same genetics. Others just have/use better genetics so again no matter what you do you cannot top them with lesser genetics just because you grow it yourself.

I know a guy, an ex-college roommate of a friend, who has access to pot that is grown by someone who grows and sells to people in the movie industry. The guy supplies some of the biggest name stars and producers and directors and writers and studio heads and the guy I know buys from him, in small quantities just to keep himself and a few friends in the highest grade pot available, and I will often times buy from him since I very seldom grow any more. One hit of this stuff will knock you on your tail end for hours and two or more hits and in about fifteen minutes you are saying you need to go to bed because you are to high. Not as in you are paranoid but you are just SO HIGH!

Try topping that dealer supplied pot with $30.00 genetics that you grow yourself. I hate to be the bearer of sad tidings but it just ain’t gonna happen!

So when you compare home grown to what you can buy what will be best will depend on what genetics what you buy came from and the skill of the grower and the quality of the genetics you buy and your skill as a grower.