
Active Member
Mighty Wash has an excellent reputation for killing mites during flowering. Good luck with those filthy little bastards Jubiare! Kill em good!
Thanks mate, this sounds interesting.. no chemicals :oI'll def kill em good aaaargh!!! :fire:


Well-Known Member
hey jubiare.........what's growing??ha................anyways is your room sealed??/you can drive up your c02 ppms over 4000, will kill every living thing in your grow by day5...or use cigarette solution and that will kill most pests and us(i still smoke:().......fuck mites


Active Member
No mate no sealed room or co2. Have attacked the garden with a nicotine, soup, garlic and chillies solution. In three days I'll attack it with the "mighty wash" one. Am trying the no chemical (well, nicotine) way first.
They stunted the whole thing up


Well-Known Member
Damn Jubiare.......I feel your pain I've been battling mites/gnats for years, non chemical solutions work by keeping down the populations but won't get rid of them completely(except co2 poisoning)....depending how far along you are and willing to save the crop at any cost you are going to have to use a fogger/chemical gassing:fire:..Hot shot No pest strips( i know/ hate to use this stuff too) but it's almost 100% effective..........good luck, you have quite a battle ahead of you friend..


Well-Known Member
Did you kill the bastards??..................hope everything is safe/happy growing


Active Member
Hi guys, been away for the week end, thought I'd come back to some good news but plants still look sickening ... it's down to chemicals now, I have hit them today with some chemicals ....
Before the week-end I defoliated all the sick leaves, I have come back to find new sickening leaves .... middle of fourth week of flowering the should look some different ....

The Bonsai in the house (he seems to be responsible for the spider mites) looks much better ... recovering for sure ... he was hit with same home made solution garlic, chillies and nicotine, Followed by mighty wash. So even more confused now ...

Just in case, I have calibrated PH Meter, flushed the plants with around 10lt of water each and prepared a fresh new tank for them

let's see what happens this week or I'd really don't know wtf



Well-Known Member
Food grade Diatomaceous Earth + a blower. DE is good for your soil, plants. Totally non-toxic. Also spread it around corners along walls in the house to kill cockroaches


Active Member
interesting petflora ... do u know if that is good for the mites with the black spots on the back? I seem to have those rather than the red ones ............ :cuss:


Well-Known Member
It is good for all small critters, including fleas. Microscopically, DE looks like shards of glass. As the bugs move about, it sticks to them and begins to cut their exoskeleton to shreds. The food grade DE is talk-like, and needs to be blown on with a hand held blower (bellows)


Active Member

There is something I'm not following JubiARE, you say:
"47 Reds; 2.2v each: 2.3 x 47 = 108.1v x 0.500 (they are driven at 500Ma) = 54.05W"

But the 500mA LED driver on the image says 70V 500mA, so if 70V is maximum it will look like this ?.
( i can't see what it says in small fonts on the driver)

47 Reds; 1.48 x 47 = 70v x 0.500 (they are driven at 500Ma) = 34.05W

But if the driver max out at 70V then the led don't draw 500mA so it should be less than 500mA.
( the drivers I have seen on e-bay have a voltage range and therefor a variable numbers of LED can be used -typical 10-18ps. of 3W led's)


Active Member

There is something I'm not following JubiARE, you say:
"47 Reds; 2.2v each: 2.3 x 47 = 108.1v x 0.500 (they are driven at 500Ma) = 54.05W"

But the 500mA LED driver on the image says 70V 500mA, so if 70V is maximum it will look like this ?.
( i can't see what it says in small fonts on the driver)

Hey Rasser, thanks for stopping by. I have two of those drivers, so I use roughly 50V for each driver


Active Member

Hey Rasser, thanks for stopping by. I have two of those drivers, so I use roughly 50V for each driver
Ok so you must be using
1x23(2.3*23=52,9*0.5=26.45 Watt +
1x24(2.3*24=55,2*0,5=27.60 Watt
54.05 total.
Got it ! :-)


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the mites jubiare .. nasty little critters to be sure.
I am very interested in led's ... have the skills for soldering, but lack the knowledge to build one and don't like the prices of buying them. Hopefully I can figure out what I need to build one for myself, with a lot of questions to you of course.

happy growin


Active Member

MEveg is up and running in my el cheapo box!

18 Golden Gragon + 660nm red 170 degree lenses
4 Golden Dragon + deep blue 170 degree lenses
2 Golden Dragon + 4500k 170 Degree Lenses
2 Platinum Dragon Warm white 3000k 120 Degree Lenses

Well I had to use what I had left ... can't just buy leds and don't use them! It's pretty much what I wanted anyway

Besides, MJ isn't very demanding for vegging ... do you remember those first gen panels around ... ok for veg and bad for flower?

This time they are all running at 500Ma on the same driver
18 reds 2.3v x 18 = 41.4v x 0.500 = 20.7w
8 blue/whites 2.35 x 8 + 26.8v x 0.500 13.4w
Total draw is around 34w !!!

Running much cooler this time; 640 square inches of dissipating area ... divided by 34w = 18.285 square inches for every watt burned! Very close to the "plenty peace of mind" 21 inches for every watt burned suggested by the master Knna !!

More to come soon

Thanks for stopping by



Well-Known Member
Do you have the any pics of the girls...........or did you scrap them???fucking hate mites.........


Active Member
haven't scrap them, still there but doing poorly .. I hope I can still harvest a few ounces of goos smoke and I really hope to learn something from this bitch grow! am gonna upload pics tomorrow or something

Besides am germinating new seeds and will be using MEveg


Well-Known Member
haven't scrap them, still there but doing poorly .. I hope I can still harvest a few ounces of goos smoke and I really hope to learn something from this bitch grow! am gonna upload pics tomorrow or something

Besides am germinating new seeds and will be using MEveg
Well I'm going through my own problems too Jubiare:)...but i will say that your diode selection is great and I'm really impressed by your DIY panel my is just a big learning experience; just learn and move safe and happy growing