DIY Reflector?

So its my first grow and I just got a 400 W HPS finally. Was waiting to flower til I got it. I've been using 4 26W CFLs for veg. Now that I got the HPS light, I need some way to make a cheap reflector for it til I can get a proper one (or not, depending on the quality of my DIY reflector). Currently I only have one plant left in my Aerogarden out of 3 to begin with.... it is my first grow, I'm on a budget and I get shit when I can, but shit has gone wrong at points.

And if anyone can explian the 'rep' system and how I +rep folks for helpin me out?

Thanks yall! :bigjoint:

Oh PS this particular area is 17"x20" and almost 4 ft tall. The HPS bulb is about 7 inches from the top of the plant.



So its my first grow and I just got a 400 W HPS finally. Was waiting to flower til I got it. I've been using 4 26W CFLs for veg. Now that I got the HPS light, I need some way to make a cheap reflector for it til I can get a proper one (or not, depending on the quality of my DIY reflector). Currently I only have one plant left in my Aerogarden out of 3 to begin with.... it is my first grow, I'm on a budget and I get shit when I can, but shit has gone wrong at points.

And if anyone can explian the 'rep' system and how I +rep folks for helpin me out?

Thanks yall! :bigjoint:

Oh PS this particular area is 17"x20" and almost 4 ft tall. The HPS bulb is about 7 inches from the top of the plant.
To use the +rep system you just click the scale symbol, the second button on the top right corner of their post window. It should be right above the person's location... Then add a comment if you want then click submit. Tada!!!


Well-Known Member

Apostrophe what is your grow room? CLoset or a cabinet?

What's the red lamp?

The first step is to paint all of the walls and ceiling white or silver, or to put up Reflextic. This will brighten the room considerably. Reflextic is mylar on plastic bubble pad, in the insulation section at Home Depot type stores- easy to use and durable, 97% reflective as is mylar but the plastic bubble pad has some heat considerations (don't use it for a reflector).

If you want a ghetto reflector pick up a couple of large aluminum disposable pans or oven liners - you can run a wire over the light and bend a large pan placing it over the wire. You could get creative from there, lacing two pans together with wire if you need a larger reflector; propping up the ends of the pans somehow.


Don't bother with the rep, but post in this thread how you do things in the end. Pics if possible. Thanks.




What's a good material to use to get the shape? I assume thick ass cardboard ain't gonna cut it since it gets so hot?
i like 1/4" or maybe 1/2" pvc not sure but $5-10 maybe less at lowes will build a frame to enclose youre whole area... i built a 9'x8'x5' fully enlosed with a tape pvc and emergency blankets for like $35

Apostrophe what is your grow room? CLoset or in a larger room? Dimensions?

The first step is to paint all of the walls and ceiling white or silver, or to put up Reflextic. This will brighten the room considerably.

If you want a ghetto reflector pick up a couple of large aluminum disposable pans or oven liners - you can run a wire over the light and bend a large pan placing it over the wire. You could get creative from there, lacing two pans together with wire if you need a larger reflector; propping up the ends of the pans somehow.


Don't bother with the rep, but post in this thread how you do things in the end. Pics if possible. Thanks.


This little area is 17 inches deep, 20 wide, and just shy of 4 feet tall (it was one yardstick length plus about 8 or 9 inches). It's an entertainment center I've messed with a little. Planned on painting it white on the inside tomorrow. The plant was in a different area but I had to move it to make setting up that HPS easier. My next grow will be done right from the start in a much larger area..

Thanks for the aluminum pan idea! Bout to go try that tomorrow! Pics for sure.




Well-Known Member

I agree with V6Hustle, with a cabinet that size you don't need a reflector if all of the surfaces are highly reflective. I have a 36" x 30" x 42" veg cabinet that I took the reflector off and let the ceiling reflect the 125 watt light.

You have a 400 watt bulb though, it might heat the wood of the cabinet up too much - the aluminum pans would act as baffles for the heat if you find the box heats up too much.

What kind of ventilation do you have? Do you have a hole in the ceiling?


Whole what into a reflector? The cabinet?
Dude I made my own reflector and its just as good as one that you would pay easily 50 bucks for. Go to Home Depot or Lowes. Go to the hardware section and look for sheet metal. If you can't find it, ask. You'll also need some self taping metal screws about 5/8" long. You shouldn't need a piece of metal any bigger than 24"x24". It should cost you around $8. I personally used a piece 16"x24"The screws are around $4 a box. Also, if you don't have a pair of tin snips you need a pair. They are $10 and can be used for future projects....good investment. Mark three inches all the way around the piece of metal with a marker. Then make lines with all your markings..connect the dots. You now have a box inside your piece of metal. On one side of the piece of metal you're going to cut the corner on the metal to the corner of the marked box on your piece of metal. Am I making sense? On the other side of the metal you're going to cut the SIDES of the metal to the corner of the marked box on the metal. After that bend the metal to shape so it creates a reflector and then basically you cut small pieces of metal and screws them to all corners so its solid. If you don't have a clue what I'm talking about pm me and I'll send you a picture to show you. It'll save you at least half of what you'd pay for one. You're going to need a drill or you're screwed though.

I agree with V6Hustle, with a cabinet that size you don't need a reflector if all of the surfaces are highly reflective. I have a 36" x 30" x 42" veg cabinet that I took the reflector off and let the ceiling reflect the 125 watt light.

You have a 400 watt bulb though, it might heat the wood of the cabinet up too much - the aluminum pans would act as baffles for the heat if you find the box heats up too much.

What kind of ventilation do you have? Do you have a hole in the ceiling?


Hey man, just want to say thanks for takin the time to help again.
Shoulda read your post earlier, I just made a pretty ghetto temporary reflector... Guess i don't need it now haha

The door to the cabinet... pretty much doesn't exist. i leave it open when the light is on and I have a window open I didn't think the heat would be as much of a problem for the time being (its pretty cold outside and windy). I think my girl's enjoying the heat this light puts off, I don't have any heating so I think being a bit too cold most of the time kinda slowed her up. Anytime it gets warmer she perks back up. I've only had the HPS for about 10 hours and I can tell a difference. I just got the light today kinda unexpectedly so tomorrow I hope to take care of fan/cooling needs. Anyway I'm rambling... Here's some pics of my ghetto ass reflector.

EDIT: I do cover the cabinet when its lights out to prevent any light gettin in there.


Dude I made my own reflector and its just as good as one that you would pay easily 50 bucks for. Go to Home Depot or Lowes. Go to the hardware section and look for sheet metal. If you can't find it, ask. You'll also need some self taping metal screws about 5/8" long. You shouldn't need a piece of metal any bigger than 24"x24". It should cost you around $8. I personally used a piece 16"x24"The screws are around $4 a box. Also, if you don't have a pair of tin snips you need a pair. They are $10 and can be used for future projects....good investment. Mark three inches all the way around the piece of metal with a marker. Then make lines with all your markings..connect the dots. You now have a box inside your piece of metal. On one side of the piece of metal you're going to cut the corner on the metal to the corner of the marked box on your piece of metal. Am I making sense? On the other side of the metal you're going to cut the SIDES of the metal to the corner of the marked box on the metal. After that bend the metal to shape so it creates a reflector and then basically you cut small pieces of metal and screws them to all corners so its solid. If you don't have a clue what I'm talking about pm me and I'll send you a picture to show you. It'll save you at least half of what you'd pay for one. You're going to need a drill or you're screwed though.
Hey thanks for the info man. Apparently I don't need a reflector for my current space... But when the time comes next grow this is gonna be helpful!
Since your area isn't that reflective, it was a good idea that you made something. You want all the light you can get reflecting on your girls. Good luck!
I'm pretty damn broke right now... So the mylar's gonna have to wait. But in the meantime a put some white cardboard on the cabinet walls which seems to help a little. I've been leaving one of the windows open in the room and that seems to help circulate air. As I don't have a thermometer I've been putting my hand right over my plant at different times during the day to try and judge whether or not it's getting too hot. Hope this'll be alright.

That second plant in the pot is just a seedling my friend asked me to hold for a few days...

Peace :bigjoint:

