Do I have bugs?

I was looking for trichomes with a loupe and I swear I actually saw a bug on a pistil. Moving around. Looking like a flea but smaller. Not really visible to the naked eye. Then I noticed this on the leaves. The second picture I thought the leaf was just like that because it spends all it's time squished up against the wall. I examined the underside of the leaves and can't really see anything out of the ordinary. Tired to get a photo of the bug but it disappeared and I couldn't find anymore which led me to think I might be halucinating.


Well-Known Member
You see the speckled leaves? Tiny pin prick dots?
Those are wounds from spider mites sucking on your leaves.

Look up spider mites because they've been talked about many times on this site and others
Yes. I have been reading about spidermites and thripes for the last hour, but these (other than 2nd photo) are orange dots, and I see nothing on the underside of the leaves
No. Definitely not. I haven't done that in years. Maybe can a mod please move this to Marijuana Plant Problems>Bugs ? I probably shold have posted it there first...