do i have enough room?


Well-Known Member
k i have a 2x4x5 grow tent with 3 lst'd snow whites in dwc buckets i am wondering do i have enough floor space under my 250w hps and in my tent in general heres a couple pics of a day or two ago. just turned to flower wed.


Im gonna say probably not. a 400 watt has a 3.5'x 3.5' footprint, plants can double to triple in size when flowered.


Well-Known Member
i have a 125w cfl with it so with the 2x2 for the and atleast another 1x1 for the cfl. i am curently using only about 3ft of the 4ft wide will they grow out as well or will they just grow up during flower. and should i trim out some of the under growth and just go for the tops on each plant to give me what i want? so much for trying to go for smaller plants


I topped my plants in veg and when i switched to flower 2 weeks ago theyve gotten about a foot taller and about doubled in girth, and im sure theyre not done yet, im runnin out of room with 4 under a 400 watt in a 4x4x7 tent. You can also veg less, maybe look into SCROG for your next run if space is an issue. You could just grow 1 or 2 big plants. Couldnt tell you about trimming the undergrowth, ive heard people say to do it and not to do it


Well-Known Member
i really didn't expect for them to do all this i should have flowered last week or two weeks ago even. but this is my first lst hydro attempt. what will happen if i leave them as is cause i really have no choice


good question. youll just have to wait and see, i dont see how the quality could be affected. youll probably just lose out on yield. Take a look around and see if you can find info on trimming the undergrowth so the plant will concentrate on the larger top buds. Im not sure on how to do it so im not gonna steer you wrong. What is snow white? Indica or Sativa? If youre gonna stay in that size grow area next run you should choose strains that will work best in your area, if that makes sense.


BTW, those plants look real good for your first time, no worries on mistakes your first time, just make sure you dont repeat them the next time. You almost have to just do it the first time and get your hands dirty, reading stuff like this website is great, but there is no substitute for actually getting your hands in it and doing what youve been reading about.