do i really need to germinate seeds ?


i am totally new to this and i want to give it a shot next year, can i just put seeds in the prepared soil or do i really need to germinate them first in a cold dark room?


bud bootlegger
you don't need to germ them first in say a paper towel at all .. in fact, lots of people think it's a bad idea to start them in towels as tender root hairs can grow into the fibers of the towel and when you remove the seed you rip off young root hairs, causing damage to the roots..

but on the other hand, people have been doing the pt method for years, same as just putting a seed into a pot of soil... six of one, half dozen of the other really.. :D


thanks so much, im just going to put them in the prepared soil :)
brimck325 i live in serbia and we have really hot summers, so i thought that i can start in april or may outdoors, why do you think that i should do it indoors ?


bud bootlegger
it's usually better to start seedlings indoors and give them a pretty good root system and get them established before moving them outdoors.. this is pretty much true of any plant really..
just gives them a better chance of making it before going outside against the big bad world full of buds and animals wanting to eat them and stuffs.. :D

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
edit, bugs, not buds.. that was a great freudian slip though .. :D
Sig would be proud of that one...being Freud he'd prolly say Lady Buds or Lady which both cases he'd be mistaken because they are both good and not the sources of our problems :)


Active Member
No you do not need to germinate ,i use to but don't anymore as i have got a 100% sucess rate with just putting the seed in the soil .This is how i do it.

1 fill pot with soil
2 water the soil with luke warm water
3 get a pen and make a hole in the soil to the depth of the metal nib of the pen
4 drop seed in, any way it falls is ok
5 lightly back fill the hole,covering the seed
6 spray the soil with water to wet it down
7 put in a warm place.I grow in my closet so i just fire my hps on for 18 hours a day ,i live in a cold climate so i need to do this ,it's cheaper for me to run the 250 watt light to heat the closet up than it is for me to leave my heating on all day.You may be fine depending where you live..20 degrees or above is probably fine...i think i read 25 is optimal

seeds normally show up on the 3rd or 4th day ,like plant on monday sprout on thursday or wednesday.. yet to have a failure doing this.When you think about it ,this is how shit goes down in nature.No paper towel fairies in the wild.. i don't think ,i could be wrong.
it also eliminates the chance of you damaging the taproot when planting ,It is a weed of course so both ways work.but i find it easier doing it like this now.


thanks, that is what i wanted to hear, because i have some friends that ended up in jail recently and they are not coming out soon, so i dont want to make this too complicated, im going to do it just like you


Active Member
sorry to hear that man, keep your grow small and don;t tell anyone what your doing ,not even friends.. you will get through it to the end


Well-Known Member
thanks, that is what i wanted to hear, because i have some friends that ended up in jail recently and they are not coming out soon, so i dont want to make this too complicated, im going to do it just like you
That is completely out of context.


Active Member
Yeah growing is simple,but there is some things you need to get right.Apart from keeping your grow a total secret the other best advice i can give is this.follow these steps for dankness.

* - PH is really really important.I learned the hard way as a noob ,messed up about 10 plants before i realised my soil had wrong ph.Make absolutley sure to get a soil with a ph of 6 -6.5 .If you can go to a hydro shop get biobizz or similar soil..Soil you get in the garden centre may have too much bark in it ,too acidic soil will kill your plant.

* then Get yourself a ph meter .If you are feeding your plant nutrients ,it will lower the ph of the water down way too low ,so you need to read your ph of what you are putting in and add some baking soda or ph up solution to make it 6-6.5 ph

* if you neglect your ph duties, your soil will eventually get to acidic and the nutrients will get locked out and your leaves will die and your plant and yeild will suck ..keep your ph on target for a nice green plant...

*apart from the common mistake of overwatering overlooking ph is the biggest mistake you will make.( only water when your soil surface is really dry ,its about every 3 days for me)

good luck