Do You Blog Or Tweet?


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm looking for people to follow on Blogger, Tumblr and Twitter so post your accounts here.

I'm placing a bet that this thread will disappear before the hour is done. I fear I am part of a minority of stoners that has the time to write shit to an audience of no one.


Ursus marijanus
I don't.
Twitter and facebook don't appeal to me.
I would blog if i had something cogent to say. Most blogs are essentially online scrapbooks. cn


Ursus marijanus
I have time to write ... and I have written a few short stories ... haven't had the nerve to try publishing one however. i've run out of stroy/essay ideas. I fear it's a consequence of my brain slowly dying from the inside out. cn


Well-Known Member
Whatever you call what I do here...thats all I do.
If I need to talk to someone i chose to actually talk. Tweeting is for birds. And a blog sounds like a costapated loaf that finally came out.


bud bootlegger
Whatever you call what I do here...thats all I do.
If I need to talk to someone i chose to actually talk. Tweeting is for birds. And a blog sounds like a costapated loaf that finally came out.
yah, i tend to agree.. what would be the point of my tweeting?? so me mommsy could follow it? lol.. i'd have like 2 followers or some shit, pretty pathetic i know, but i don't like to remind myself every time i looked at how many followers i had just how pathetic i really am. :( ...

and blogging, i don't really get it either.. years ago, people who kept journals and shit like that kept them under a lock and key, and would pretty much kill who ever looked at it.. but today, people are posting this crap all over the internet.. idk, i don't get it..
there's very few people that i'd really give a shit enough about to wonder what their thoughts are from day to day to be completely honest..


Well-Known Member
i have some blogs but not tumblr or twitter. i started blogs with the idea of getting readers way back when. i realized getting readers is more about doing the leg work than it is about writing well or about interesting topics (commonly searched terms work better for generating traffic). i know a lot about this stuff and the majority of it is a waste of time. i have facebook but i don't update. even if you get follwers, in the bigger scheme of things, how many would it be? 100 a day? then also, return visitors don't click ads so unique is more payoff if you're looking for a business. bottom line, no one clicks ads so you better have a lot of visitors to get advertisers. if it's not aboutu money and you dont care if you have no readers, just go to tumbler and start writing. but yes, i do have blogs and i write on them. mine are old and idid the leg work so i generate some traffic and it's commonly searched topics.

i lied, i HAVE twitter but i haven't logged in since a year ago or more. 3 total posts on my account i think. twitter is a marketing tool, not for regular people imo. i get paid to post marketing stuff on twitter by people.


bud bootlegger
i have some blogs but not tumblr or twitter. i started blogs with the idea of getting readers way back when. i realized getting readers is more about doing the leg work than it is about writing well or about interesting topics (commonly searched terms work better for generating traffic). i know a lot about this stuff and the majority of it is a waste of time. i have facebook but i don't update. even if you get follwers, in the bigger scheme of things, how many would it be? 100 a day? then also, return visitors don't click ads so unique is more payoff if you're looking for a business. bottom line, no one clicks ads so you better have a lot of visitors to get advertisers. if it's not aboutu money and you dont care if you have no readers, just go to tumbler and start writing. but yes, i do have blogs and i write on them. mine are old and idid the leg work so i generate some traffic and it's commonly searched topics.

i lied, i HAVE twitter but i haven't logged in since a year ago or more. 3 total posts on my account i think. twitter is a marketing tool, not for regular people imo. i get paid to post marketing stuff on twitter by people.
i agree about twitter not being for the regular folk, but it can be a very useful tool i'd think for say celebs / athletes, what have you, who want to let people know that they have an appearance some where, generate interest in a new project, shit like that.. but for normal people like 99% of us, i don't see the benefit of it honestly..

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
I agree with most of the replies, i dont have a twitter or even a facebook. Just not for me. This is only site I go to that I actually communicate on


Well-Known Member
I started a facebook account only because my new cellphone can do it.

Im sorry i started the fb shit. now when people i barely know post or add finds my email fills up faster than i can delete or report them as spam.

Fuck FB, twiter and blogs. My life is complicated enough without having to pay attention yours or anyone else's ideas of what they think i want or need.

LOL put your addresses here so you can be bombarded with more pointless shit. SPAM IS SPAM and when a stranger asks for any information similar to this take that as a hint they will ADD to your daily headache.


Well-Known Member
I Blog and Tweet connectedly.

I decided only to post original content from now on though, so it's a little slower than before.

I could totally tweet more, I just don't think about it...