do you know rc's??


Oracle of Hallucinogens
hahaha. I'll change the avatar eventually :-D It's the amotivational syndrome from my non-smoking lifestyle nowadays lol


Well-Known Member
The more I read about 4-ACO-DMT it sounds dead similiar to classical mushrooms!

the effects take on a strong cognitive and visual state... many psilocybe strains exhibit a very strong mental effect... that's why I view shrooms to carry a very confirming reaction... it propels the conscious... lays it bare and questions it... it doesnt push toward any benefactor... it questions you, then it lets you reply! Its a very spiritual experience and most of the pleasures seem to not advocate abuse... but rarity in the "name of wisdom."


Well-Known Member
Probably the Greatest constructive report on 4-ACO-DMT... the clarity but magnitude of the trip is felt just by the simple read (taken from drug-forums):

140lb ~6ft male.

15mg - Very light trip, mild visuals similar to acid wiggles, felt like a day dream, like being a kid again and the world being so fascinating, moderately tactile, and had a fair bit of energy. A lot of mental chatter, continuous thinking.

20mg - Color enhancement is the most notable effect in comparison to 15, colors shifted in spectrum, shag rug swayed and danced. Looked at spots on a plant and thought they were bugs crawling around. Another notable effect being the complete inability to communicate, it is like a game of charades, thoughts are clear but unvocalizable. And quite a bit of laughter.

26mg - Perfect, a well rounded heavy trip, without the impending fear of death that one feels on 30, though less visually intense. World appears glassy, mild vertigo while walking, mild nausea, no vomiting. Trip starts speedy but levels off to a comfortable laze that feels wonderful, one point I felt like I was melting into a puddle. High tryptamine tolerance expect 4-5 hour ride. Low tryptamine tolerance expect 6-8.
????: Drugs Forum

30mg - Scary. Very intense. Very vivid closed and open eye visuals, creatures, complex geometry, etc. Breathing had to be consciously controlled to keep from hyperventilating, nearly blacked out on several occasions. Fear of death. Intense confusion, being unable to understand a concept like reading the time. Lose of identity, conscious mind lost contact with bodily senses, and mind felt as a part of a universal collective. Intense waves of nausea, but controlled and no vomiting. During come down the trip decreased to that at level 26mg then sharply back to baseline after a period of time.

In itself... doesnt the trip sounds identical to the main source found in mushrooms...I would call this BK-PSILOCYBE!


Well-Known Member
I saw psilacetin as one of the terms used in erowid... just added the BK in there because it looked nice ;)

Therefore, I wouldn't necessarily call the experience more warmer and euphoric due to the reports i read!


Well-Known Member
Its a shame more of these chemicals don't have street names. We should take it upon ourselves to create some. What could we call 4-AcO-DMT? Besides psilacetin, and O-Acetylpsilocin, that is. SOmething with AcO in it, or perhaps a play on words involving shrooms?


Well-Known Member
No street names...because their total underground druggies...lols- they haven't surfaced to the streets yet!

It would be fun to stamp some kind of stereotypical figues on these RC's...such as FOXY METHOXY! Mine was BK-PSILOCYBE to signify a mushroom strain through a chemical source- kind of a play on word4!

I feel like I'm in some sort of literary craze right now...let's throw some names out there- ACE OF THE BASE!! Lols...yeah I think that has some charm to it as well! ACE being for the acetoxy..and base for being the main chemical found in mushrooms...does anybody else find this suitable?


Well-Known Member
I think ace of the base is a little long. 4 acres is cool.

What about the 2c's. I think they should all be girls names corresponding to the first letter. B could be becky, E could be Erica...etc etc. Although the names 2c-b, 2c-i, etc sounds pretty cool as it is, and most people don't know even know what it is, so no real reason to use a code word either.