Doc's Dank Seeds


Well-Known Member
Here's what Neville had to say in an older RIU thread (I assume that's really Neville) about RKS:

Pheno hunt!
I was talking to a guy that worked with Neville and he says Skunk #1 never was roadkill and that roadkill is an American thing, lots of it in the nineties, even the Mexican weed was skunky. In the UK they call all weed skunk. I think maybe Hindu Kush x Mexican and maybe some pine flavor from a Northern Lights and Chem 91, combinations of those strains equal Roadkill skunk.


Well-Known Member
Man I'd give my left one for some old time Skunk, the first "sinse" I ever smoked.

Yep. My very first high was 1985 and I was 16 years old. I had hit a couple doobies before, but hadn't felt shit. My buddies did the trick with a big red bud they said was Colombian. It fucked me up, but that was the last red bud I've seen to this day. After that I smoked a bunch of $15 lids of dirt for a few months before the skunk wave hit and then we were smoking rks for $35 a quarter and getting ripped. Everybody from back in the day remembers it. You couldn't have a sack on you without everybody knowing it. I just remember how half a hit would send most people into a coughing fit. I remember a dude getting his assed kicked because he puked into a fella's big ass 20 pound dragon bong at a party. Shit had major expanding powers and a joint seemed to stone as many people as you could find to hit it lol.

Quick story. 1986 I believe I saw Poison open for Ratt in Evansville, Indiana. We rolled 26 hog legs and smuggled them into that show. I remember me and my crew hitting each of those 26 doobs once apiece before watching them trail off into the crowd. Great memories.


Well-Known Member
Jeeeeez what a way to finish a day, trimming since noon then at 8:30 the idiot gets sprayed.
Thanks for the help but I didn't have tomato juice on hand but the other stuff is a miracle.
All you dog owners keep that recipe on hand it really works.

Ha ha, I know its not funny at all. Ask @getawaymountain about his dog getting sprayed and then flying through the doggie door right into his bed in the middle of the night


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I put a tiny nug of the RB on my satellite receiver box last night and left it on. This morning I broke up said nug and got fucking ripped tater chip. Nice subtle grapey/fruity flavor on back of my throat with a touch of haze? Does that sound possible? My pheno reminds me of a blueberry sativa. I can't wait to pop the RB X Island Afghani beans I made from this special pheno. Wish I'd cloned her.
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How many seeds did you make? maybe that is why she went so long also.


Well-Known Member
You know Doc we gonna have to name RP X CTF after we each harvest and see how they are. Mine will be unseeded and yours well you are doc so seeds i am sure. I am really ripped on some aligator kush I broke a branch and well I had to sample some. I think AK likes to be treated like shit as it is really great and creeps allot.
I see allot of great grows going on, congrats all.
Glad you had a great time camping and that pic with woman with kids I swear I thought it was my ole lady form that angle lol even she agrees.