Does anybody know what this guy is? I can't find him on any of the web sites yet


Well-Known Member
i see those in my garden. i don't know what they are called. i don't think they do much damage.
Are they harmful? Today is the first time we have seen them, and I haven't seen any signs of damage yet, but this plant is growing beautifully, so I don't want any stupid bugs messing things up.


Active Member
Well they are related to an Aphid and the Aphid is bad news so my guess is you might not want him hanging around. Not sure. Maybe Google it.


Well-Known Member
just google benefecial insects,if its not in the list,burn it.I hate leaf hoppers,they piss alot,bad for budding plants.Those leaf hoppers are hard to catch,gotta use a tweezer,to kill them.

days to daze

Active Member
go grab yourself a ladybird house .. or whatever they call them .. ladybirds would have a field day with those guys.


Active Member
looks like a form of leafhopper there are more forms of leaf hoppers than any other living thing in the world so they can get pretty funky looking i find them on my plants and they fuck my shit up you need to get rid of them in my opinion i go out in the morning and if you go to grab them from behind they dont see you and you can squash them i have tried neem oil but that doesn't seem to work so i stick to the barbaric method i have also heard of soap and water idk though? hope i was helpfull goodluck