Does my plant look droopy?


New Member
Just started this lone gal 4 weeks ago, was wondering if yall thought it looked okay and if it looked a lil droopy. im using some BS organic soil from the depot in a 5gal pot, 6-23w cfl's, 2.5x2.5x3' box, 2 fans, temp stays about 77f with 60 humidity, I have botanicare nutes that ive only used once at 1/4 strength. its about 4" tall. watering with distilled water about once a week. any info would be cool.photo2.jpgphoto.jpg


Well-Known Member
something is off on your plant the stems on it are red .........yes droopy

u are lacking in something start looking up red vain/red stem in plants.................. if u have a probe that checks the soils ph u should do so perfect for soil is 6.5 6.0 to 7.0 are safe zone

ph off can lock out the plant from aboring the right stuff and if i rem right distilled water is 6.0 ph ............good work so far u learn more as u grow and do

i find FOX FARMS OCEAN FORREST is the shit when it comes to soil i have a 14 days auto with branches red vein this time before i could not fix it my soil was just off horrible
There's a relationship between how much you're feeding and the strength of the lights. It looks like your plant is taking excess phosphorus.


New Member
fox farm is great for new growers but the plant is tiny man for 4 weeks u should nxt time try and get promx or sunshine promx #4 now those soils will gi e u hydro results but otherwise really good but with those soil at a month u will have a plant 6× bigger then what u have now


New Member
Thanks for the answers... I looked up answers to my same question, but I get a bunch of mixed answers... I know I shocked the shit out of this plant cause I started outside then built a box for it, it didn't grow for almost 2 weeks... It's bag seed anyway... I had 2 lights really low (practically laying on the soil) shining from underneath, could that have anything to do with the drooping?


Well-Known Member
cfls are only good for about 8 inchs to 1 foot as the plants get bigger u are going to have issuses like i did with low light
look into the clip on lights and the philps grow lights when u go to flowering it will improve the results of the yeild and the thickeness of the buds......just make sure u get the clip on light and bulb near the same watt 120 watt spotlight philps 3000k and a 150watt clip on work light

if u have some cash to blow like 150 bucks u could buy yourself a set of 2 foot t5 lights or 3 sets of led pannels off amazon (pannels are not top and great but they work and 50 bucks a pop 3 4 plants u can upgrade)

as for drooping to much water or to little water ....................cut your watering back i use a 26 fl oz bottle (garden section in walmart has spray bottles with fluid oz on the side) .............if they are near the biggest they only get 26 oz every 24 to 36 hours (i am soil bags ) planters might be 48 72 hours
I second that. Overwatering. At least that's what it looks like to me... But if you're only watering once a week then it shouldn't be overwatered. But then again you don't have any perlite in the medium which can cause the medium to retain water for longer and remain waterlogged


New Member
Here's a lil update, lastnight I drilled some holes around the bottom rim of my container, the soil at the bottom was soaked... Ran a fan all night and woke up this morning and my plant perked up... It's still a lil droopy but ill give it a couple days to dry up and see what happens... I read some other posts about the red stems and some peeps say that it shouldn't affect anything as long as the leaves aren't turning yellow... I think my next grow I won't rush into it and get the proper soil mixture...
That must have been it. I specifically use pots with holes in the bottom for run off. Best to get about 10% run off, then u can check the ph. I usually get red stems in the middle of flower, around the time I begin to drop the temps even more. Nothing to really worry about. Definitely get a good soil mix, it makes a hell of a lot of difference. Nice job in figuring out how to fix the problem...keep us updated!