Does Uncle Ben have a book.?


Well-Known Member
I'll take a website with a couple hundred members and a dozen good growers over a website that has thousands of members and a dozen good growers....just as I would prefer a small town over a big city.
I agree but the downside sometimes with these independent forums is stability of service, they often go down
or completely disappear, this gets annoying after the third or even forth time with different forums :(
i still join some of the independent ones , it's nice to have a place without the trolls and preachers trying to out-do each other all the time



Global Moderator
Staff member
I'll take a website with a couple hundred members and a dozen good growers over a website that has thousands of members and a dozen good growers....just as I would prefer a small town over a big city.
Are you the guy that didn't get an invite ?
I thought everyone did. :cool:


Active Member
I just get tired of hearing how pH is always the "problem" with someones grow on RIU, when usually it's something else entirely. Most municipal tap water is fine to use, regardless of the pH. Well water is another issue all to it's own as you showed.
I take it you folks are talking bout soil grows... but hydro; pH is kinda relevant within a certain range


Active Member
I take it you folks are talking bout soil grows... but hydro; pH is kinda relevant within a certain range
Of course I'm talking about soil(which most grows aren't actual "soil"...peat/pine bark fines...etc...But amendments go along ways) grows. I've never stated otherwise.


Well-Known Member
It has become apparent to me from previous dealings on other threads with RedcarpetMatches that he is part of a different collective of thought, while i do not agree with this mindset i am happy for those who wish to believe in this kind of thing to do so, although i do not agree with all the preaching and trolling.

RedcarpetMatches is a pretentious young chap who aspires to be a hipster, Red has decided that the only way ANYONE should grow
is organically using scraps recycling waste tea's etc, following the methods and teachings of his chosen Guru (Rrog #1)

In defense of Rrog #1 he seems like a nice guy, from reading some of his posts Rrog is NOT trying to push anything down anyone's throat, unlike his disciple Red who enjoys trolling and preaching from the organic bible, another troll who preaches from the organic bible is "hyroot"

Below is the general troll message preached by this organic hipster collective.
"Anyone who does not grow using these "new age" organic methods along with LED's is a dinosaur who grows weed full of carcinogens"

Red shown above, defending his master Rrog with witty retorts and cock drawings.
Holy sheet mang I am awestruck at your level of attention! I agree with you!:joint:

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I agree but the downside sometimes with these independent forums is stability of service, they often go down
or completely disappear, this gets annoying after the third or even forth time with different forums :(
Yes it does and after seeing your posts and images get shitcanned, you don't bother. Amazing how some folks used the site to store their image files and not their hard drive.

I've been posting to cannabis forums before they were even known as cannabis forums (V bulletin, Apache) and they all have gone defunct. The biggest and baddest was run by Ron in Canada, and the sidekick forum Cannabis World. Then there was Hemp Cultivation, Planet Ganja and many others. Ron ran the first really big seedbank out of Montreal (Heaven's Stairway) and got busted by the Royal Mounted Canadian Police (RMCP). I still have some of his stock in my own personal seedbank which includes some of the original Bros. Grimm stock. Also have the original filmed TV footage but it's a 3.5mb ASF file and won't upload. It really is a 'must see'.



Well-Known Member
I like reading threads like this. They remind me that Im a noob and grow shit plants, but every grow gets better
as I gain more knowledge.

Im not interested in experiments, I prefer to seek the knowledge of "refined growers" those who have been through
the gimmicks, made mistakes and moved forward. Yet as I seek their information, for the most part they all go the simple route.
Naturally, they use different mediums, lights etc but they all seem to take a basic route to success.

Learning from others mistakes is a good way to learn, on the other hand the hardest lesson learned is the best lesson learned as they stick with
you for a long time. Im just not willing to lose a crop and learn a hard lesson when I could gradually increase my mediocre success.

I want to grow for fire, not to grow so I can spam the boards with "what not to do's"


Well-Known Member
I like reading threads like this. They remind me that Im a noob and grow shit plants, but every grow gets better
as I gain more knowledge.

Im not interested in experiments, I prefer to seek the knowledge of "refined growers" those who have been through
the gimmicks, made mistakes and moved forward. Yet as I seek their information, for the most part they all go the simple route.
Naturally, they use different mediums, lights etc but they all seem to take a basic route to success.

Learning from others mistakes is a good way to learn, on the other hand the hardest lesson learned is the best lesson learned as they stick with
you for a long time. Im just not willing to lose a crop and learn a hard lesson when I could gradually increase my mediocre success.

I want to grow for fire, not to grow so I can spam the boards with "what not to do's"
Good attitude to have my friend. While I feel I'm just this side of being a decent grower, I can directly attribute my growing success to the "old timers" on here. Uncle Ben and Rockymtnman have certainly sped-up my learning curve.

Can you get a good grow using expensive LED's, 40 part nutrients, and soil that takes months to be ready....sure you can....but for me, keeping it simple has been the best advice I've had so far.


Well-Known Member
I was at my local nursery the other day and asked for Jack's Classic Bloom Booster ($10 for a six month supply) and the owner told me that's all they use for their flowers and plants (it's a pretty good size nursery).

Now where did I hear about Jack's.....hummmm......oh yeah....Uncle Ben and Rockymtnman....those darn old-timers. Those of you spending waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much money on supposed pot-specific nutrients really should do some reading from Uncle Ben. While typing this, I'm having trouble as I just harvested a WWXBB and my fingers are sticky. This plant will give me twice as much yield after feeding with Jacks than any previous harvest with General Organic's stuff. NO nute burn, NO deficiencies.

Thank you UB!


Well-Known Member
I was at my local nursery the other day and asked for Jack's Classic Bloom Booster ($10 for a six month supply) and the owner told me that's all they use for their flowers and plants (it's a pretty good size nursery).

Now where did I hear about Jack's.....hummmm......oh yeah....Uncle Ben and Rockymtnman....those darn old-timers. Those of you spending waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much money on supposed pot-specific nutrients really should do some reading from Uncle Ben. While typing this, I'm having trouble as I just harvested a WWXBB and my fingers are sticky. This plant will give me twice as much yield after feeding with Jacks than any previous harvest with General Organic's stuff. NO nute burn, NO deficiencies.

Thank you UB!
I like you, you always say nice things, how does that work ?
don't let this place turn you mean LOL


Active Member
I really agree with the old timers in this thread. I will confess that when i started growing a few years ago i would take things like PH and all that shit as gospel and most times i would find i would run into more issues which would confuse me because all the advice i read should have seen me growing massive girls with maximum yields, but they were far from that all i had was issues.

And the need to use brand nutes that are so in vogue is just a waste of time and money. When i first started reading up about nutes all i came across were people singing the praises of FF. So i grabbed some and used it and the bottle is still sitting on my shelf full as i never used it since. Again it didnt do anything magical or special that lesser nutes that were recommended by my local nursery/hydro shop recommnded. The hydro owner of a shop i used to go to used to laugh at the shit i used to relay from growing sites. He felt so sorry for me he actually loaned me one grow book and that was Ed Rosenthals and told me to use it as a go to guide and not gospal.

Listen to the old timers and respect them, there is a reason why they grow good high yields..becasue they have a megaton of experience and know exactly what the deal is.

RedCarpetMatches is very much typical of young kids these days, the gen yers who have this annoying over confidence and arrogance. If I was she/he i would be embarrassed at a) how he/she seems to basically diss the experienced growers and diss their working methods and then b) to proceed to post pics of her/his gros which show they simply have no real understanding at all yet they firmly believe they are going in the right direction. Perfect example is that embarrassing picture of RedCarpetMatches chopped up plant. But thats the thing with this new breed of youngin, they simply dont care about standards or anything like that as they think what they are doing is perfect. They seem to have no sense of what is good or bad just as long as its up there and it shows the world that they can do it and they can do it in an awesome way. I guess this comes from this generation of kids always being told that whatever they do is just as good as someone doing the same thing in a proper manner. The same type of kids who got the same ribbon for finishing last as did the kid who finished first. So now that they are grown up they still think this is the case.

And also the constant lies and affirmations that they really seek out on social media is also a major contributor to this behaviour. If you are told everyday that yur life is on so many levels of good, if you are told everyday by advertisers and marketing that you are a special snowflake that deserves this brand, if you are told everyday on facebook that you are on so many levels of awesome..then after a while fiction in that persons mind becomes fact.

I just ignore them and laugh as from the last decade of having to deal with this generation 99.999999% they fail badly when they think they are doing the right thing. Some of them do learn and do things the proper way but a lot just seem to keep doing it the way they think is right.

And yeah i have now come to the conclusion that growing pot like most things is easy if you keep it simple. Dont over complicate things. If your PH is 6 instead of 5.8 well so be it. If it's 7.8 then yeah take action.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I really agree with the old timers in this thread. I will confess that when i started growing a few years ago i would take things like PH and all that shit as gospel and most times i would find i would run into more issues which would confuse me because all the advice i read should have seen me growing massive girls with maximum yields, but they were far from that all i had was issues.

And the need to use brand nutes that are so in vogue is just a waste of time and money. When i first started reading up about nutes all i came across were people singing the praises of FF. So i grabbed some and used it and the bottle is still sitting on my shelf full as i never used it since. Again it didnt do anything magical or special that lesser nutes that were recommended by my local nursery/hydro shop recommnded. The hydro owner of a shop i used to go to used to laugh at the shit i used to relay from growing sites. He felt so sorry for me he actually loaned me one grow book and that was Ed Rosenthals and told me to use it as a go to guide and not gospal.

Listen to the old timers and respect them, there is a reason why they grow good high yields..becasue they have a megaton of experience and know exactly what the deal is.

RedCarpetMatches is very much typical of young kids these days, the gen yers who have this annoying over confidence and arrogance. If I was she/he i would be embarrassed at a) how he/she seems to basically diss the experienced growers and diss their working methods and then b) to proceed to post pics of her/his gros which show they simply have no real understanding at all yet they firmly believe they are going in the right direction. Perfect example is that embarrassing picture of RedCarpetMatches chopped up plant. But thats the thing with this new breed of youngin, they simply dont care about standards or anything like that as they think what they are doing is perfect. They seem to have no sense of what is good or bad just as long as its up there and it shows the world that they can do it and they can do it in an awesome way. I guess this comes from this generation of kids always being told that whatever they do is just as good as someone doing the same thing in a proper manner. The same type of kids who got the same ribbon for finishing last as did the kid who finished first. So now that they are grown up they still think this is the case.

And also the constant lies and affirmations that they really seek out on social media is also a major contributor to this behaviour. If you are told everyday that yur life is on so many levels of good, if you are told everyday by advertisers and marketing that you are a special snowflake that deserves this brand, if you are told everyday on facebook that you are on so many levels of awesome..then after a while fiction in that persons mind becomes fact.

I just ignore them and laugh as from the last decade of having to deal with this generation 99.999999% they fail badly when they think they are doing the right thing. Some of them do learn and do things the proper way but a lot just seem to keep doing it the way they think is right.

And yeah i have now come to the conclusion that growing pot like most things is easy if you keep it simple. Dont over complicate things. If your PH is 6 instead of 5.8 well so be it. If it's 7.8 then yeah take action.
Wow, you nailed it!


Active Member
Thanks. It's just from working in an industry where i have to deal with these awesome young things for the past decade (during the day i work in a creative agency, at night i am crim growing pot :D ). The clichés and the things that have been said about this generation might sound like harsh generalisation but they are indeed fact.

So many young people like red who simply have no respect for anyone bar the person who they feel deserves respect. They treat this one person as a god and dismiss everyone else, its the cult of celebrity at play.

Anyway i have said my part and uncle ben's advise should not be dismissed, especially by those who don't know what the hell they are doing and have no sense of shame in showing the world how terrible they are going about it.


Active Member
ub i applaud you. i gave up years ago trying to help people spend less. its like people want to punish themselves financialy. all you have been doing for years is try to help people spend less to grow more and you constantly get flamed for it. your a trooper. if it were me i would put all your talent using inexpensive ingredients in 50 different bottles market it all to these idiots and let them spend a fortune growing but you are obviously a better man then me..


Active Member
UB should compile all his excellent posts on here into a blog. I know i just want to read his advice and not have to trawl through lots of useless posts that either diss him or offer conflicting advice.

I went to his four tops thread but no pics?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
ub i applaud you. i gave up years ago trying to help people spend less. its like people want to punish themselves financialy. all you have been doing for years is try to help people spend less to grow more and you constantly get flamed for it. your a trooper. if it were me i would put all your talent using inexpensive ingredients in 50 different bottles market it all to these idiots and let them spend a fortune growing but you are obviously a better man then me..
Goes to show you how desperate folks are being approved and their insatiable need to belong. I march to a different drummer.

Change gears, need a TDS meter? Here's one, but snooze you lose. Woot products are available for one day only or until sold out. I'm a bargain hunter and bought many a product at Woot and here: