doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys i am having Wi-Fi issues.
Ya, this pier WAS the longest wooden pier in the entire state until a wave like this one did a job on it a few years back. We have a guy out on a jet ski towing guys into and out of these sets. He is also saving a few from obliteration. White water is like a huge river running south on the shore line at about 5knots.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah that was just one apartment. Our first and last were in neighborhoods with regular shootings and apartment break ins. What a difference a few blocks can make! But Ventura has some history for me. Got married there. First jail sentence there. Lols and a few more good memories.
what great memories, marriage and jail hahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Dang dude, that blows, I spent the first six years of my adult life on probation. At 18 I went before the court on felony possession charges that, at the time, carried a penalty of 5 years to life. Did not like it, no sir not a bit.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
u guys over the states have harsh penalties for even first Australia if we did the same maybe some of our younger ones wouldn't be so ungrateful and soft as fuck that when the heat gets put on them they go running to the same authorities they call dogs