Dr Greenthumb - Bubba OG - HeartlandHank Grow


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed the G13 pack so much that I had to try another pack from Dr Greenthumb.
Bubba OG... I've got 11 fem seeds of this Pre '98 Bubba x Ghost OG.
I have heard Racerboy speak very highly of Doc's Bubba. That was all I needed to hear... I went with the Bubba OG for the improved yields.
This one should be special. I'm pretty excited to get this one going.

The seeds look good. Nice and healthy.. Good size, brown with some spots and a little bit of a shine.
This should be good... I'm just going to soak them until later tonight.



Well-Known Member
Patience has never been my thing. The top left seedling and the center left seedling both have a little damage from pulling the seed off of the cotyledon a little too early... damn my OCD.

Otherwise, looks pretty good. These little seedlings will stay under T8 lighting until flower. 2013-03-27_22-17-28_216_cleaned.jpg


Well-Known Member
The seedlings are looking nice and healthy. I gave them very little nutrients until about 10 days ago. After 2 feedings (Dyna Gro 7-9-5) they are starting to put on some growth.
These pictures are a little less than one month from planting direct seed into these 1 qt pots of coco.

I would say things are going well. The foliage has a real nice looking army green thing going on. They have been pretty no fuss so far.
Hearing some members on RIU talk about this pack, my expectations are pretty high. I'll get into more frequent updates and more to say when we get to flower.
I might just take a cut from some lower growth to save as a mother and put these plants into flower. Or, I might take cuts from each plant, grow them out, then flower the cuts. We'll see. I am leaning towards flowering these plants rather than cuts as that would put herb in my jar sooner.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's going to be a while before these genetics get some space in the flower room. All of the plants are super healthy and growing nicely but with space and the way I like to grow.. it's going to be a while.
When the plants are showing the staggered growth (maturity) that I like I will then take a single cut (the top) from each of the 8 plants. I will flower these 8 cuts. I like to do it this way so there is fair competition between the 8 plants. My motive for growing seeds is to observe genetics and hopefully find a special mother. Growing from a cutting rather than plants from seed of varying sizes really levels the playing field.

I guess I'm just explaining why this is going to take so long.

Anyway, they are looking good. There is sort of a long waiting list on my flowering rooms right now but of what is in line right now these are what I am most excited about. You could say that I have higher expectations for this plant than some others that are about to get the test. Right behind these Bubba OG's would be a few Neville's haze x sweet tooth 3 that have been in the works for a very long time.

I just transplanted them from a 1qt pot up to a 2/3 gal pot. They were heavily circling the container with super healthy roots. I'm not looking to get them much bigger but I didn't want to let the root health go down hill.

Fun stuff..


Well-Known Member
I went ahead and took the top growth for a cut on each of the 8 Bubba OG plants.
The plants are mostly big fat leaves. Just one plant has thinner/longer blades.
The plants are showing nice, big healthy fan leaves. Most of the leaves have 9 blades. One has 11 blades on nearly every leaf.

Anyway, everything is going pretty well.. It looks like I will have some space free for these 8 cuts in about 7 or 8.

The bottom picture is of the plants after taking the top cut from each.


Well-Known Member
They look healthy. Im with you on taking clones and using those to flower. Clones give you a better representation of the plants real growth characteristics, which is important when deciding if youre gonna keep anything.


Well-Known Member
I didn't know about this one but i do now. Cant wait to see what you do with these Hank.
Me too!. This one is sort of on hold. I've got some Nevilles Haze finishing up right now. As soon as get them out and things cleaned up I have 7 Bubba OG's that I will put to flower.

It's looking like sometime around July 17th or so...

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
Me too!. This one is sort of on hold. I've got some Nevilles Haze finishing up right now. As soon as get them out and things cleaned up I have 7 Bubba OG's that I will put to flower.

It's looking like sometime around July 17th or so...
which Nevilles Haze...from where?


Well-Known Member
Nevilles Haze x Sweet Tooth 3 from Beanhoarder (Hempdepot).
The Nevilles Haze is from old Mr Nice stock, selected himself. He says it is his most potent head spinning sativa. Big yields and very short flower for such a sativa dom plant.

I only got 1 female from 9 seeds.
Yields look good, quality looks good, 10ish weeks, very Neville's Haze leaning.. I really don't see much of anything that screans S Tooth.

Unfortunately, I found a branch today heavy with male flowers. We'll see how it goes. I don't see male flowers on any of the other branches. Just 1 branch on 1 plant.
I have not had very many herm incidents in my past. This was by far the worst I have seen though. Compared to some of the herm plants i have seen on RIU though it really isn't too bad.

The 4 plants under one 600 hps are clones from the one female I got out of the pack.
The plants look a little rough... some issues came up from trying to feed them from the same res that was feeding a few kush plants (Sanniesshop freebies)




Well-Known Member
nice even profiles on those Bubba OGs. For me of all the strains only Bubba tastes better


Well-Known Member
Finally! Bubba OG 2-8 is ready to flower. I let go of #1... the growth was just so different from 2-8 and I didn't want to deal with an oddball of the group. 7 genetically different plants is plenty for me.

It's been a while but here is what I have going...

These pics are just before transplanting from 2/3 gal pots to 5 gal pots. I cleaned up the lower growth and planted them at different depths in the 5 gallon pots to get them all at roughly the same height. # 8 (tallest) was about 8 inches taller than the shortest plant. These plants are taller than I would like them to be.. but I just didn't have room until now.

Pics go BOG # (2,3) (4,5) (6,7) (8 )

These 7 plants in 5 gallon pots are in a roughly 6x4 space under 1200 watts.
In the first picture you can see the plants are at the same height for the most part.

They are catching some light from the veg area about 5 feet away. That is the only light I am giving them for a couple days. Then I'll turn on the hps 12on12off.

So, it's finally on. It took me about 130 days from planting the seeds to get good healthy mothers established, big healthy plants to flower and space in the flower room. Obviously, I could have flowered these plants a couple months ago but I was finishing up the Neville's Haze x ST3 test grow. It turned out less potent than I expected, but the high is fantastic sativa smoke.

With nice sized mothers established I can fire away with a run as soon as I see something I want to work with more.

This should be pretty good. This is my second Dr Greenthumb pack. After the G13 success I wanted to try another one out. It was a hard decision between Bubba OG and C99. I've got a great stock of sativas though and I needed some more med type smoke. I haven't had an excellent taste plant since the Blueberry X Grapefruit SPG leaning plant.

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
Finally! Bubba OG 2-8 is ready to flower. I let go of #1... the growth was just so different from 2-8 and I didn't want to deal with an oddball of the group. 7 genetically different plants is plenty for me.

It's been a while but here is what I have going...

These pics are just before transplanting from 2/3 gal pots to 5 gal pots. I cleaned up the lower growth and planted them at different depths in the 5 gallon pots to get them all at roughly the same height. # 8 (tallest) was about 8 inches taller than the shortest plant. These plants are taller than I would like them to be.. but I just didn't have room until now.

Pics go BOG # (2,3) (4,5) (6,7) (8 )
View attachment 2740544View attachment 2740545View attachment 2740546View attachment 2740547

These 7 plants in 5 gallon pots are in a roughly 6x4 space under 1200 watts.
In the first picture you can see the plants are at the same height for the most part.
View attachment 2740548View attachment 2740549

They are catching some light from the veg area about 5 feet away. That is the only light I am giving them for a couple days. Then I'll turn on the hps 12on12off.

So, it's finally on. It took me about 130 days from planting the seeds to get good healthy mothers established, big healthy plants to flower and space in the flower room. Obviously, I could have flowered these plants a couple months ago but I was finishing up the Neville's Haze x ST3 test grow. It turned out less potent than I expected, but the high is fantastic sativa smoke.

With nice sized mothers established I can fire away with a run as soon as I see something I want to work with more.

This should be pretty good. This is my second Dr Greenthumb pack. After the G13 success I wanted to try another one out. It was a hard decision between Bubba OG and C99. I've got a great stock of sativas though and I needed some more med type smoke. I haven't had an excellent taste plant since the Blueberry X Grapefruit SPG leaning plant.

I do love his Cindy but the BOG is on another level. I think you made a wise decision.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I'm confident in the quality these plants will produce.
I've always had a soft spot for c99 and all that came from that line.
I've been telling myself that I am done with seeds for the foreseeable future. But when I get back, the D GT c99 is near the top of the list.

Today is day 1 of flower.

The lens on my camera has gotten scuffed a bit. I wish i had the cash to spring for a camera that would do these plants justice.


Well-Known Member
nice even profiles on those Bubba OGs. For me of all the strains only Bubba tastes better
Yeah, they lost the uniformity after some more weeks. Some pruning and varying depth of transplanting has them pretty even going to flower, but I'm sure they will be stretching at different heights and times. Over all though. They really kept a decent even profile. Two plants came out shorter, one plant came tall, four were in the mid range. have no

I'm reeeeally looking forward to a nice tasty plant. It's been a bit. My priorities shift over time and taste has been lacking in my garden for a while. This should add a little of that to the mix. I've got a whole mess of tasty haze plants, but they all sort of taste the same. My other indicas do not really excel in flavor.


Well-Known Member
Day 15

I had a bit of a light leak due to an enormous tear in m grow tent. I got it sealed up well today. The flowers should start coming in heavy soon.
Unfortunately, when getting pictures together I accidently deleted the pic for number 7 after already turning the lights back on. It is pretty uneventful so far, so I'm just going to skip it today.

They were staying nice and dark green with very light feeding until just the last few days... I fed them with Dyna Gro 7-9-5 at 3ml/gal just after taking these pictures.
They are definitely ready for feed. I have them spaced pretty wide so I can get some decent photos without removing the plants. I easily have room for 2 more plants. I like how clear the growth characteristics are when you give them plenty of space though.
This won't exactly be a bumper crop, but I should get a very clear view of what these plants have to offer.

So far I like the shapes of #3 and #4. It's so early though. I think they have now set some roots in the 5 gal grow bags and are ready to start rapid growth. They definitely could have used a little more veg time in the 5 gal bags. It looks like they have put on about 1 ft of growth in the first two weeks.








Well-Known Member
I have very little experience with kush plants. This is sort of a challenge for me. I've become so comfortable with branchy skunk like growth. This is a different game.
I was expecting the plants to want little nutes but at the moment they are pretty hungry.
I definitely will have to grow the best of them out right after this crop as I have much room to improve already.