Dr Greenthumbs G13


Well-Known Member
Brick Top, get over your Acapulco Gold all ready. You sound like a scorned woman incessing over the same thing decade after decade !!!

Be thankful for all that you have and enjoy in life.

Enough already !!! Get over it !!!


Well-Known Member
That is possible too, but then that would be more of a case of intentional misrepresentation knowing it is a hybrid and not mentioning it is a hybrid and calling it; "pure G13."

By it's description and the description for Nevil's G13 x NL if I had to place a bet, that is what I would bet it is .. and calling it pure could still be a case of telling the truth, but only a half truth.

It is not uncommon for a breeder to use another breeder's work and not credit them in any way. Sometimes I suppose it could be an ego thing and when a cross is made it might be to try to protect the '11 secret herbs and spices' making it more difficult for someone else to copy.

This being an S1 I would think it had to be a case of either not wanting to share any degree of credit with Nevil, if it is his G13 x NL, or wanting people to believe it is not an S1 of a G13 cross and that it is; "pure g13."

If it is a hybrid, which is highly likely, I would prefer to think it is a case of ego, of not wanting to share any credit for the quality with Nevil, rather than believe it is a case of intentional misrepresentation. After my Acapulco Gold experience I could not say that I would put it past Dr. to misrepresent his G13, but I would hope that he learned that didn't work in the past and if he tried it with this G13 that it could bite him on his butt really bad so he wouldn't be trying it again. I would like to think the leopard did change his spots.

Well I think perhaps Double D misrepresented it to Greenthumb. Greenthumb got into trouble precisely because he credited Double D with saving the original G13 since the 1980s and isn't that the spin that Double D himself put on it?


Well-Known Member
Well I think perhaps Double D misrepresented it to Greenthumb. Greenthumb got into trouble precisely because he credited Double D with saving the original G13 since the 1980s and isn't that the spin that Double D himself put on it?
Dr. Greenthumb got called out on his G13 before he even attached DD's name to it, it was one of the reasons he put DD's name on his website in the first place. It just happened that DD was around to say Greenthumb was lying when he did it. Look at the first post in this thread, there is no mention of DD or Nevil.

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
Dr. Greenthumb got called out on his G13 before he even attached DD's name to it. It was one of the reasons he put DD's name on his website. It just happened that DD was around to say Greenthumb was lying when he did it.
He may have been called out on his pricing but as far as i know he put the DD label on it only because people asked which cut it was.


Well-Known Member
Well I think perhaps Double D misrepresented it to Greenthumb. Greenthumb got into trouble precisely because he credited Double D with saving the original G13 since the 1980s and isn't that the spin that Double D himself put on it?
Was just re-reading this thread started by Double D;


and it seems apparent that Double D sold something to Doc through a middle man. Now, it seems to me that either Double D sold Greenthumb the "G13" and was trying to cover up the fact that he let the cut out and now Greenthumb unexpectedly had seeds of it or;
Double D ripped Doc off


the plant Double D sold to Doc looks exactly like all the huge "G13" grows from journals that DD himself has done and all the "G13" from Docs seeds that are being journaled right now look exactly like DD's "G13" as well. Double D has some 'splainin' to do


Well-Known Member
Was just re-reading this thread started by Double D;


and it seems apparent that Double D sold something to Doc through a middle man. Now, it seems to me that either Double D sold Greenthumb the "G13" and was trying to cover up the fact that he let the cut out and now Greenthumb unexpectedly had seeds of it or;
Double D ripped Doc off


the plant Double D sold to Doc looks exactly like all the huge "G13" grows from journals that DD himself has done and all the "G13" from Docs seeds that are being journaled right now look exactly like DD's "G13" as well. Double D has some 'splainin' to do
DD isn't the one who continues to sell a misrepresented strain for $100 a seed. Also, that thread doesn't mention anything about DD selling anything through a middle man. I think you're just trying to justify Greenthumb dragging DD into this.

He may have been called out on his pricing but as far as i know he put the DD label on it only because people asked which cut it was.
I think I knew my own intentions when I started this thread and the truth is Greenthumb used DD's name to try and legitimize his strain and was only attached to the strain description after the fact. His spammers even mentioned DD's name before he attached it to the description on his website to see how people would respond.


Well-Known Member
DD isn't the one who continues to sell a misrepresented strain for $100 a seed. Also, that thread doesn't mention anything about DD selling anything through a middle man. I think you're just trying to justify Greenthumb dragging DD into this.

I think I knew my own intentions when I started this thread and the truth is Greenthumb used DD's name to try and legitimize his strain and was only attached to the strain description after the fact. His spammers even mentioned DD's name before he attached it to the description on his website to see how people would respond.

how many seeds is DD giving you for this?kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Was just re-reading this thread started by Double D;


and it seems apparent that Double D sold something to Doc through a middle man. Now, it seems to me that either Double D sold Greenthumb the "G13" and was trying to cover up the fact that he let the cut out and now Greenthumb unexpectedly had seeds of it or;
Double D ripped Doc off


the plant Double D sold to Doc looks exactly like all the huge "G13" grows from journals that DD himself has done and all the "G13" from Docs seeds that are being journaled right now look exactly like DD's "G13" as well. Double D has some 'splainin' to do
Like I said

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
DD isn't the one who continues to sell a misrepresented strain for $100 a seed. Also, that thread doesn't mention anything about DD selling anything through a middle man. I think you're just trying to justify Greenthumb dragging DD into this.

I think I knew my own intentions when I started this thread and the truth is Greenthumb used DD's name to try and legitimize his strain and was only attached to the strain description after the fact. His spammers even mentioned DD's name before he attached it to the description on his website to see how people would respond.
what he is selling is a cutting i created with my g13 and a northern lights male. I called it valley indica. I managed to trace it back to the person i gave a cutting to.
I know you must have seen this, this is exactly what I've been telling you guys for a while. At first, he said no he has no clone from me but then it was well looks like he really did buy a clone of my plant but it's not the original. Greenthumb wasn't lying and even if it is a nl/g13 cross, the Doc was likely mislead into believing it was pure and still may be, so that doesn't make him dishonest or a liar only uninformed. I'm sure that he closely examined the strain which he obtained before he purchased it and was confident enough that it was similar enough to be the cut he was after, and look at it it, just look at it and those are seeds not clones. If I gave you a clone of something in my garden and it was mislabeled or wasn't really what it was and you gave the clone to someone else as what I said it was, that wouldn't make you a liar either.
In that thread dd also mentions that the g13 lost vigor but it is restored in crosses so even if it's a a hybrid, in dd's on words it will be superior in potency to the original clone. He also mentions the fact that he is not a breeder and cannot meet the demand of making seeds other than his own personal projects so either way you look at it, the doc's doing a service by making them available.


Well-Known Member
I know you must have seen this, this is exactly what I've been telling you guys for a while. At first, he said no he has no clone from me but then it was well looks like he really did buy a clone of my plant but it's not the original. Greenthumb wasn't lying and even if it is a nl/g13 cross, the Doc was likely mislead into believing it was pure and still may be, so that doesn't make him dishonest or a lyer only uninformed. I'm sure that he closely examined the strain which he obtained before he purchased it and was confident enoug tat it was similar enough to be the cut he was after, and look at it it, just look at it and those are seeds not clones. If I gave you a clone of something in mygarden and it was mislabeled or wasn't really what it was and you gave the clone to someone else as what I said it was, tat wouldn't makeou a liar either.
In that thread dd also mentions that the g13 lost vigor but it is restored in crosses so even if it's a a hybrid, in dd's on words it will be superior in potency to the original clone. He also mentions the fact that he is not a breeder and cannot meet the demand of making seeds other than his own personal projects so either way you look at it, the doc's doing a service by making them available.
This doesn't explain at all how the almighty Dr. Greenthumb failed to realize that the description he posted, which he calls "fruity" is the complete opposite of what the original was described as. Either he's an idiot or he's lying

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
This doesn't explain at all how the almighty Dr. Greenthumb failed to realize that the description he posted, which he calls "fruity" is the complete opposite of what the original was described as. Either he's an idiot or he's lying
Or DD is lying and it's not the original g13 from neville? Whatever it is, call it what you want, it is from DD by his own admission.

For the record, the dope's smell description wasn't like he claimed either, it tasted more like the description of bot of the parents. I think he's an old fart and probably losing is senses or something. And no I'm not claiming he misrepresented the strain and that it is a ripoff, I'm saying that I personally disagreed with his description. This is the 3rd round of growing my mikado clone and only recently did I pick up the fruity smells that were more subtle, being a cigarette smoker probably doesn't help either.


Well-Known Member
Go back a few pages, there are already doubts that DD has the original as well

being a cigarette smoker probably doesn't help either.
Now you're just reaching for excuses...


Well-Known Member
Maybe it still exists in Michigan?


Well i got lucky, last night at the CC i go to they had a small amount of G13. I must say this strain holds up to all the rumors and mystery behind it.

Very heavy smooth smoke, for as smooth as it was even the lightest hits could only be held for seconds. It was a little harsh but it did not effect the overall experience.

The taste overall reminded me of a haze or somthing earthy. The smell was very dank, almost like rotting fruit and baby poo

I wish i had taken pics of the buds as it was a dark, almost black, bud.

BUZZ: It came on slow but when it peaked it was great, it felt almost like i was getting a head rush sitting still.

I still have about a gram left out of the 1/8 and i am debating to weather i should stash her and smoke her up...
That seems to be a much more accurate description of G13


Well-Known Member
I know you must have seen this, this is exactly what I've been telling you guys for a while. At first, he said no he has no clone from me but then it was well looks like he really did buy a clone of my plant but it's not the original. Greenthumb wasn't lying and even if it is a nl/g13 cross, the Doc was likely mislead into believing it was pure and still may be, so that doesn't make him dishonest or a liar only uninformed.
I like how you left out the begining of the statement that says Greenthumb got it from a third party and DD had nothing to do with it. DD can't be held responsible for another persons actions.

I'm sure that he closely examined the strain which he obtained before he purchased it and was confident enough that it was similar enough to be the cut he was after, and look at it it, just look at it and those are seeds not clones. If I gave you a clone of something in my garden and it was mislabeled or wasn't really what it was and you gave the clone to someone else as what I said it was, that wouldn't make you a liar either.
It's Greenthumb's responsibility to research his strains before he try's to pawn them off to the masses as something they aren't.

In that thread dd also mentions that the g13 lost vigor but it is restored in crosses so even if it's a a hybrid, in dd's on words it will be superior in potency to the original clone. He also mentions the fact that he is not a breeder and cannot meet the demand of making seeds other than his own personal projects so either way you look at it, the doc's doing a service by making them available.
Again, if Greenthumb said it was an S1 of a cross there would be no problem and it would probably make the sticker price laughable.

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
Or DD is lying and it's not the original g13 from neville? Whatever it is, call it what you want, it is from DD by his own admission.

For the record, the dope's smell description wasn't like he claimed either, it tasted more like the description of bot of the parents. I think he's an old fart and probably losing is senses or something. And no I'm not claiming he misrepresented the strain and that it is a ripoff, I'm saying that I personally disagreed with his description. This is the 3rd round of growing my mikado clone and only recently did I pick up the fruity smells that were more subtle, being a cigarette smoker probably doesn't help either.
Ive found that Doc's descriptions are very general as far as taste and smell go. The flavors he mentions are in there but there is usually alot more going on to my taste buds. For instance, he lists the big purps as being, "earthy, piney, hashy, thats true but i also taste grape and a few other things in there as well. On my journal at the MMMA site he posted about the Big Purps; "To me it tastes like sweet grapes" confirming the same thing I had found, why he didnt mention that on his site i just dont know.


Well-Known Member
Ive found that Doc's descriptions are very general as far as taste and smell go. The flavors he mentions are in there but there is usually alot more going on to my taste buds. For instance, he lists the big purps as being, "earthy, piney, hashy, thats true but i also taste grape and a few other things in there as well. On my journal at the MMMA site he posted about the Big Purps; "To me it tastes like sweet grapes" confirming the same thing I had found, why he didnt mention that on his site i just dont know.

Besides Dr. Greenthumbs description of G13 being fruity, where else would you go to find something that supports his claim?